You can have this millon $ idea for free. The anime community will literally drown you in cash for this.
You are welcome!
You can have this millon $ idea for free. The anime community will literally drown you in cash for this.
You are welcome!
I kinda hate that you’re kinda right…
But have her say it in her American cadence voice!
“Ara Ara, Shimada-San.”
“Mada Mada, Kamori-San”
What the hell is an ara ara? All this weeb nonsense is a mistake.
next: pandaren mei.
for the suspiciously wealthy furries
This checks out.
Yall need jesus
pretty much, lol.
This is the normal “ara ara”
This is the fan-service “ara ara” that weebs enjoy.
I genuinely hope the community isn’t that degenerate
Finally someone who gets it lol i been requesting and suprise she doesn’t have it
Ara ara - oh my oh my
It’d work, but not enough booba.
Doesn’t Widowmaker have this voiceline in Japanese?
Jesus would not help them.
Seeing this thread does remind me, I do need a Mei body pillow in my life.
We would turn jesus into a cute anime girl
Wouldn’t it be more of a summoning jutsu?
Yes, yes I still speak some weeb.
My man overwatch only survived this long because of mmd p*rn what are you talking about