2 Weeks of OWL For What?

1 good match. It just ended. Dallas v Glads.

One of the few matches that didn’t exist as a pure mirror. Lots of variety from tanks and DPS. Actually entertaining.

Every other match has seemingly been a blowout. This no doubt due in part to the shift to 5v5.

Just landslide blowouts pretty much every matchup. And 80% of the time they are just straight mirrors, killing anything interesting.


I’m mostly surprised at how much Genji fell out in comparison to last week.

He went from being picked 13% to being constantly traded out for Echo, Tracer or Reaper

Went from being seen all the time to being seen on only some occasions.

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Bet the devs enforced his playtime to build hype.

Bet they’re artificially suppressing Brig too.

Add Ball to that lineup as well.

I know that’s conspiracy nonsense, but I cannot help but think that.

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Eh, I’d think if they were really enforcing playstyles they’d put a lot more Sojourn in.

I don’t really think they can manipulate stuff like that tbh, there’s money on the line and the teams could see that as sabotage.

My assumption is everyone thought Genji was nuts due to Tracer’s nerfs, and the teams tried Genji the first week, then after seeing Genji in play they realized Tracer/Echo was still better.

Granted Genji’s not bad either, hes kinda mid, which in my opinion is fine.

Tokens, what else does anyone tune in for?

i kind of wonder if this happens. if the owl team takes “orders” from the overwatch brass/management. if so then the whole thing can be considered a facade. should balance by ladders then. masters or gm

Who would have thought… Oh wait. I called it ages ago.

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Boston VS Vancouver was an insane match tbh

Would highly consider that unlikely, that’d be sabotage because Genji requires a specialist to use effectively in OWL, if they forced flex or hitscan players onto Genji, that’d practically be soft throwing.

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Called OWL being a scuffed mess for the first month a while back. Their play build got done way to close to season start for anything else to happen. Teams are still trying to figure out what and how to play in the new format.

Originally thought that things would settle after month one, but not so sure. With the dev team still working on characters, future months should be just as bad. This year, OWL will be a complete disaster.

Nah it’ll be fine. The play so far is good and those new casters are outstanding.

Thank you for your assessment though

Why do y’all expect non-mirror matches?