2 week silence confusion, not toxic

Basically I haven’t played OW2 in close to a year, but recently decided to hop back on and have some fun. I usually played DPS in the past but wanted a more chill experience so I decided to play Healer, mute my mic, and have a blast.

Played less than a week and I have now been silenced for 2 weeks after getting 1 warning the day previous for “abusive chat”.

Now that’s super confusing because like I mentioned, I don’t use voice chat, just listen, and over text chat, I basically say the same 3 or 4 things once per game which are “glhf” “hello”, “gg”, and one meme that I like to post at the start or end of matches “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you”.

For the life of me, I honestly cannot see how any of the above behavior could be seen as toxic / breaking code of conduct / spam/ abusive, which were the reasons given for my silence.

Now I immediately googled this issue to see if I wasn’t alone and lo and behold there’s countless posts like this where angry enemy players or even teammates have used this report system abusively as well as others like me who just genuinely don’t understand how our low contact non toxic style of communication could be in the wrong.

I already 5 days ago appealed the silence and gave very specific questions about what policies they think I have broken and to PLEASE provide examples of my chat log so that myself and others who are stuck in the issue and learn how to do better and avoid this silencing issue, but the GM got back without answering any of my questions and provided none of my logs.

What am I supposed to do from here?

I am worried I will get back in 2 weeks and immediately be banned again and I will have no idea why.


No offense intended; however, you must be AWFUL at this game if you got silenced that quickly. I cannot even do it with no heal challenges while making fun of multiple toxic players every single game.

I digress, you can keep pressuring the support team to release your chat logs. If you are telling the truth, they will probably reverse you suspension. If you were being naughty, they will uphold it. That’s about all there is to it. Good luck!


Just to add, after reviewing the codes of conduct and associated rules literature, there is no clarification on what is considered Spam. Is sending any message more than once spam? Twice? Three times?

If their definition of Spam is sending a message twice during a game, then I accept my silence completely, but there is no clarification on this and even when I asked support they chose to ignore and not respond to that request.

You have to continue to push until you get an actual person when putting in a ticket. Its automated so you will continue to get the action was taken cuz you violated the terms. You will get this message everytime unless you keep pushing it and respectfully demand that they show proof where you were truly toxic. If they can’t find anything they will reverse it


Totally hear you and yeah it was hugely surprising to me. I have never been banned from any gaming platform and in the past when I played I was Honor or Endorsemnt highest level so yeah this all feels really out of left field.

I will continue to press them to release my logs but at this point the site isn’t letting me start a ticket which is why I am here now on the discussion board.


Oh boy next one is 1 month suspension. Then a final ban.

Go Frodo. Keep playing with fire.

That meme is politically relevant right now. I’m sure you know this already, but that is why you’re getting reported.


Thank you.

Yep I will keep trying for a human but I think I did get one in my last ticket but even then the person did not send me the logs I requested and did not provide any reasoning beyond repeating that my account had been found breaking the code of conduct related to Spam

Which again, if their policy is that any message sent more than once in a single game is spam, then I accept the punishment and my bad. But that seems pretty crazy of a rule to have in a team game

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Like I said u will get this message a lot but you have to push until you get an actual person that will talk to you. If they find no fault in what you said or did then they would reverse but if they find evidence that you are guilty of violating the terms then you will just have to wait the 2 weeks to play again… Unless u have another account

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From what I’ve heard from other people, you just have to keep drilling them until they eventually answer your question. Just keep appealing until you get the info you want.

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While I hear you on that point, political messages are not banned by the code of conduct:

"When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions."

And again, I am more than willing to admit to being wrong, but I don’t know WHAT I did wrong which is the issue.

Indeed, it might not be directly against the code of conduct, but

This is the key point here. Someone may see your politically charged message and find it offensive. It’s up to you whether you find it worth it to keep sending these messages, or adjust your communications to piss less people off instead.

This is a social game you are playing when it comes to silences and bans, not a Code of Conduct one.


People find GG offensive now days.


You are 100% correct and I hope that is not the case


the response from support back to be said I was silenced for “Spam”:

Which if it were an offensive message I think they would say that, but instead they went with spam. Which is why I am asking is any message sent more than once is technically bannable? Seriously wanting to know what the limits are so I can avoid in the future

Do you spam Voice Lines when you play?

Hmmmmm can’t say I have NEVER hit the limit where it tells me that I can’t send for another second, but very rare and typically doing it with other players at the starting 20 seconds of a round with different voice lines not the same one over and over.

Playing Ana and saying "mother knows best’ “children behave” and one more that I can;t recall at the moment

Who took the bait here ?

They are not even going to reply back to his messages. He got 1 email and that email will clearly stat he broke the TOC. If he submitted a ticket, that ticket will clearly say - further communication will not be answered. and the ticket is closed.

He will also be given a survey to fill up.

Too add to it, now OP’s account is shadow banned. He will get qued into similar players like him, who will bait him to type.

Next is 1 month suspension.

Followed by Ban.

OP literally has only 1 option : stay off the chat. Stay off the voice.

Go on type more, book mark this post and tell me I was wrong.

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To be fair, I did not realize coconut trees were political. Despite that, let’s be real, it is cringe that people are getting torn up about a meme regardless. It’s not surprising, but that does not make it any more laughable. Imagine some kid not even old enough to vote reading about coconut trees until their face turns red with fury and they snitch to Blizzard to make themselves feel better. Ha ha ha… Just, you can’t make it up. Or maybe they did make it up. What do I know, and what do I care?


It is what Kamala harris said and they made a meme out of it.

He said it for a very specific reason. The reason is pretty obvious here.

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I genuinely have no idea what the reason is. Pinky promise.