2 Tank changes that need to happen

Alt is aoe. Goes well into grav at 100% charge

pew-pew everyone dead.

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Even if that’s true.

The idea that they need to balance based on equal impact to capturing the objective.

Is based on the premise that they need to prevent 3-4 Tanks on a team.

Which is ridiculous in 2-2-2.

What they need to do is balance roles to be roughly equally fun.


Now you are strawmaning.

Let me be you.

If Mercy gets a raise off then your whole team is not putting enough pressure on mercy.

If Baptiste uses immortality field in a good spot against your ultimates, it is cause your team isn’t putting enough pressure on Baptiste.

If Ana hits you with an anti-heal grenade cause your reinhardts shield broke then your team wasn’t putting enough pressure on the Ana.

Oh look, I can come up with really bad anecdotal examples that only favor one side and claim everyone but me is bad too!


Imo Winston first. D.Va last (i hate her)

Zarya is balanced. Rein is the problem

How about they nerf D.va’s counters?

Exp Card ideas to Fix Tanks

:roll_eyes: I’m gonna start playing a drinking game every time someone on the Overwatch forums uses “straw man” argument to discredit your opinion.

I’ll have alcohol poisoning within the hour.


“Equally fun” requires equal agency, which requires some level of balance.

This was one of the issues with the dive meta. It was great fun for tanks and DPS. It was absolutely horrible for supports. There were similar issues with trying to DPS into double barrier, or either of the three-tank metas.

Zarya and Symmetra are two different characters with two completely different playstyles. The comparison is faulty in that Symmetra has sentries that allow her to engage and slow targets without even looking at them. Symmetra does not go to targets; targets come to Symmetra.

Latency probably has something to do with this; otherwise, there’s angles in which Charge will knock back characters from the edges for 50 damage and one who will be pinned. Seismic Slam is a Doomfist ability and has no functional way of changing direction once it’s activated.

Other tanks have been buffed. Reinhardt, however, was buffed when he never needed it and so became an outlier and is now dominating. When Blizzard reverts their mistake, Reinhardt/Zarya will continue to be very strong, but it’s likely other options will become available.

The point being, they have to stop acting like 2-2-2 needs to be balanced in the same way as Open Queue.

Realistically, Tanks are going to need to have more overall value than DPS in order for them to have equal fun.

No because people do not pick roles based on power. In EVERY single game that has multiple roles the tank role is always the least popular and in a lot of those games tanks carry (like in OW). People pick roles based on a playstyle they want to do and when picking an FPS it is no shocker people would prefer the more FPS based heroes.

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So you got no real argument. See ya toots. :gorilla: :point_right: :door:

I don’t care. They have similar weapons, yet one is much easier to play, and much easier to get value out of (Hint, it isn’t Sym).

Nope. I’ve had reinhardts pin me and go “How the F” loads of times. He vacuums people in.

Please be a more petty, pedantic person please. We both know what I am talking about.

Zarya + other tank you mean.

Reinhardt Zarya isn’t mandatory. Why do people keep thinking that.

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Neither is Baptiste and Lucio, but they are the most played supports. Reinhardt/Zarya are the most used tanks in all ranks. The next closest played tank is Wrecking ball at 3% compared to Reinhardts 15% and Zaryas 10% pick rates.

Like seriously, just stop. Baptiste is my favorite support to play, but I don’t want him and Lucio to be the only supports played majority of the time. Just like tank players shouldn’t want Reinhardt/Zarya played majority of the time.

Nah I just know exactly the type of person who says “straw man argument” is, and I know it’s not worth my time.

So I am right. You straw manned, I called it out and now you are going away with your tail tucked between your legs.

:gorilla: :zzz:

While I don’t hate this change Zarya does have a reason for high dmg capabilities like her range, splash or raw numbers. Her tanking is among the worst, the barriers are great but 200 hp, and 10 second C/D, that’s not much tanking, 400 hp is weak too. Like she needs have something to compensate for this or she will be totally useless. Keep that in mind when saying she’s too OP or needs nerfs, even though your suggestion is reasonable.

Only if he also can’t push aside a square-on hit or slide on near perpendicular walls. The fact is the hit reg on charge is buggy as hell, sometimes the bugs are in your favor and sometimes not. This is an issue sure but it’s not really a balance one so much as just the game being a bit broken.

Yeah it doesn’t do that. If your issue is range that can feel excessive, especially as a melee hero can’t use that range anyway so it’s just annoying. But going round corners, walls or just easily hitting things, it doesn’t do that, in fact the opposite is more true. Slight changes in elevation such as a single staircase or high curb can totally block it (even if the animation goes over the “obstacle”) and the start of the cone is so narrow it’s easy to miss someone right in front of you if they are slightly off center. As an aside it’s called earthshatter, I know not a big deal but seismic slam is a Doomfist ability, we don’t want to confuse people.

I’m not going to disagree with this but the bigger issue (though other tanks sucking is a big problem) is there is some straight dumb anti-tank stuff that needs nerfing. It’s bad enough that I’d say nerfing this stuff is more important than buffing tanks.

Like Hanzo can shred barriers super fast at any range, and we did have issues when the other barriers were closer in strength to Rein’s, so nerfing him may be better especially as we likely need to do it anyway. McCree bodies the dive tanks to a crazy level too. Zarya, Mei, Sym, Hook, Rock, Echo, Brig and Sombra all invalidate DM really well (and Dva brings so little besides DM) making her even more garbo. Zen still bodies tanks, Ana too. Hell Reaper isn’t even that good and he still makes tanking a nightmare, even if you play meta. I could go on but the fact is tanks have a lot of crap to deal with, too much. Buff them to meet it and they will likely be OP, it’s classic power creep.

Forcing her to be in a worse position for her insane easy to get easy to apply damage is why her beam range should be lowered.

The fact that a buggy charge can win or lose games is a problem. It being broken is a balance problem.

It in fact goes around corners and up walls. I’ve had more than enough Reinhardts go “How did that hit you?” when I was up stairs around a corner. You are just lying.

Don’t care. Go be pedantic else where. You knew what I meant, you got it. I don’t need your correction, thanks.

I didn’t at all but continue trying your best to be right on the internet :slight_smile: :alien::skull_and_crossbones:

You do as you got it wrong, your welcome. As an aside elsewhere is one word.

I was trying to be polite dude and add to the discussion your having, even if I disagree with some of what you say. No need to be butthurt about other people having other opinions and actually knowing what stuff is called.