I highly recommend you to read this thread:
[PROOF] Projectile Ults blocked by Lag
This shows what’s Mei’s true cast time is and what is causing it to disappear in mid air if she is stunned or killed.
(But a shorter cast time would be nice though.)
I consider Mei not having auto reload in Cryo-Freeze a tradeoff.
Lets compare Mei’s Cryo-Freeze with other invulnerability abilities:
Reaper’s Wraith Form has:
- Invulnerability
- Cleanse
- Movement (+increased speed)
- Reload
Mei’s Cryo-Freeze has:
- Invulnerability
- Cleanse
- Is an object (that can break LoS).
- Self healing
Moira’s Fade has:
- Invulnerability
- Cleanse
- Movement (+increased speed)
- Invisibility
It seems pretty fair to me that Mei doesn’t has auto reload.