- Lower the amount of time it takes for your ult to go off and thus lower the chances to be interrupted by death. Why does she have to finish her voice line after she throws snow ball for it to register?
Mei has the longest cast time of any ult other then say phara (but no one expects phara to live) and at least she gets a couple rockets off rather then dying and seeing your freezing circle disappear suddenly. Not only this her ult is very weak unless you have great placement and a wall to back you up. I’ve seen countless people run out of it during the ult.
- Cryofreeze should reload your gun.
This should only happen if they remove the freeze stacking with Blizzard and her primary fire. You can already combo these to freeze someone in 1 second.
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That’s fine upon hitting cryofreeze all freezing stacks from her primary fire (but not ultimate) are removed.
Sounds good.
Alternatively, lower the cast time for the throw, so that lag doesn’t make the projectile disappear midair.
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Ults should have counterplay.
I highly recommend you to read this thread:
[PROOF] Projectile Ults blocked by Lag
This shows what’s Mei’s true cast time is and what is causing it to disappear in mid air if she is stunned or killed.
(But a shorter cast time would be nice though.)
I consider Mei not having auto reload in Cryo-Freeze a tradeoff.
Lets compare Mei’s Cryo-Freeze with other invulnerability abilities:
Reaper’s Wraith Form has:
- Invulnerability
- Cleanse
- Movement (+increased speed)
- Reload
Mei’s Cryo-Freeze has:
- Invulnerability
- Cleanse
- Is an object (that can break LoS).
- Self healing
Moira’s Fade has:
- Invulnerability
- Cleanse
- Movement (+increased speed)
- Invisibility
It seems pretty fair to me that Mei doesn’t has auto reload.
lol i agree but maybe mei’s ult should require more counter play then just walking out of it? Other ults at least require players to use abilities…
Place it better so they can’t.
What exactly do you mean with this?
Do you mean like Genji using Swiftstrike during his ultimate and Dva her boosters when she is about to ult?
Well, Mei can stack the freeze of her primary fire with the freeze of her ultimate.
Or do you mean players should be able to use abilities to counter an ultimate?
In that case does Mei’s ultimate already offer plenty counterplay.
I think it is fine as it is tbh, ults should have counterplay. Hers is just a little extra brutal if you arent careful.
I kinda like this, as long as it isnt a 0 to 100% situation. If it were to steadily climb like 10 ammo per second or something, that’d be neat.
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No and no. Almost every character has to finish a voice line before their ult. ( “Nerf this!” " it’s High noon! " etc.) It gives the opposing team a chance to escape. Mei doesn’t get to be the exception, she’s plenty frustrating to play against as is.
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