They need to re-release cyber demon genji.
These skins better not come back.
To be fair, Blizzcon skins tend to be much more restrict in terms of distribution than other skins.
Most likely because tickets to Blizzcon can cost more than the price of video games. The only Blizzcon skin they re-released is Demon Hunter Sombra, and only because they said they would. After that skins like Tyrande Symmetra and Raynor Reinhardt have never been seen again.
With this sale it actually is possible to see the cancer mercy skin make a return
Don’t buy any skins please…
they will be free in 3-4 months.
pretty sad this happened, I could see any other store skins but the 40 dollar pre order exlusive skins? right thats a bit of an issue
Mercy mains are mad that pink mercy is an exclusive skin, otherwise a lot of people think skins should be exclusive. Not everyone of course, but people want to own rare “flex” skins to show off. These rare skins lose all their value if theyre marketed as exclusive but then after some time everyone can get it whenever. This happened to every single league skin (and im still very salty about it especially after buying the dva and mercy all stars) and i dont even wanna use them as much cause they lost all of their value
… I still don’t know why anyone ever thought “exclusive” was legally binding.
Lol, I wouldn’t worry what others think.
I got the skins to use up some of that old currency thats just been sitting there.
Personally I can’t wait until Mime Moira comes to a anniversary shop for old currency. It’ll give a few people a laugh
Okay so, as you can probably tell by my stuck icon, I bought the Blizzcon Rein, it also came packaged with 15 mini blizz games and some other stuff that made me justify it. And to my credit, that Rein skin has never returned.
If it was JUST a skin for $40 my father would come back from the grave to smack sense into me.