2-2-2 will be bad for the game, period

Yeah but you need to understand player reasoning. People want either just have fun or practice heroes. And since there are more dps heroes than there are supports and tanks, you will automatically have more people pick dps than anything else.
I had teams where we went 6 supports in qp just for the lulz.

Actually my math was off.
Damage roles in Quickplay average less than 3, not close to 4.

Role Pickrate Players per Role
Damage 45.30% 2.718
Healer 27.30% 1.638
Tank 23.80% 1.428
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Zarya is fine in 2-2-2 tho :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Also, i climb in the current system but hardly any games are enjoyable due to so many awful comps

Also, role que will be the 1st step to saving comp


And not having 2/2/2 is also ruining the game. Why stick with something that isn’t working and sucks and the matchmaker can’t cater for the increase in diversity at all in the past 3 years of overwatch. May aswell move on.


The creativity on display in the current game is only the creativity to deal with the dice-rolls you get for team comps. Have fun creatively trying to solo-heal for 3 non-shield tanks (I don’t count adaptive shields as a proper shield) a in-the-sky target, and no-mobility cowboy. XD Sure it doesn’t completely get rid of bad synergies, but boy does it make it less likely.

It’s creativity to deal with a problem that doesn’t need to exist.

More structure doesn’t mean there’s no creativity left. It means the creativity shifts away from dealing with the problem of lopsided hero pools being matched together against more balanced hero pools.

Also, the balance the devs could do with a more structured comp of 2-2-2 will allow more diverse heroes to be added as well. For example, less worries about 3 powerful shield tanks if there’s a max of two. They can NOT add another kind of anchor shield until 2-2-2 is implemented. So they would only have to balance around “what if they pick 2 shield tanks”. That’s A LOT less drastic than having to balance for “What if players pick THREE or FOUR???”. And I don’t even need to remind anybody about the problems with heal-stacking.


Yeah, because we use that creativity soooo much in ranked.


how is it more balanced than anything else? the game will be just as unbalanced, just with a dive meta instead.

I love how that’s there anti 2/2/2 campaign slogan almost.


Get real, there’s nothing creative about you instalocking Ashe/Hanzo/Widow and so on after the 4th DPS pick.

I need healing
I need healing
we need a healer
I need healing

No one cares anymore, enjoy your scuffed deathmatch xo

Queue times are gonna be juicy.

What’s that?

You’ll stop playing?

What a treat, there’s a new call of duty out soon should be more your speed.


no u
this is why we balance around 2 2 2 and a lot more characters will be actually viable. also i dont want 6 dps in qp or comp, also i want see the owl without goats only

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Sure. It happens now, but at least you can do something about it. If I have the chance to be even slightly more likely to win by switching to a third support you bet I’m going to do it. I mean, I’ve already had to do it more than a few times because according to mid tiers Ana-Moira is a good combo.

I’m in favor of 2-2-2 because it makes the game easier to balance by limiting the possibility of runaway synergies.


I’m just sick of quickplay games being filled with dps. Along with frequently being matched against platinum and higher ranked players, quickplay has become almost unplayable if you’re looking for fun or to win.


You branded your own personal opinion which is not even based on genuine data, but on baseless assumptions as a fact in the title of your post…

Not even gonna read all of that pile of letters after that…


i happen to disagree. The OP is right about one thing, bunker is going to be a real problem. Currently the best counter to bunker is Hammond 4 dps, with 2-2-2 you wont be able to do that. Before you say sombra, shes a major part of the 4 dps, and it wont be as good as you think with only 1 dps to help her kill on an EMP.

Be careful what you wish for community.

enforced 2-2-2 means balancing will be done around the idea of 2/2/2.

That means, Rein can get buffs that puts him in equal levels with winston, without worrying about making him an unstoppable beast in 3/3.

Right now, Buffing rein is an extremely terrible mistake. But if 2/2/2 was meta, and then some buffs happened, It won’t be.

As for this ridiculous creativity argument i hear from all of you 2/2/2 haters, Seriously?

Where’s the creativity? I’m DYING to see people being creative. Oh and no. 6 random picks isn’t creativity. Creativity means a team of players actually creating a new strategy and playing in a coordinated setup with that strategy in mind. Something that doesn’t exist in comp in the first place.

Blizzard allowed 3 years of people doing whatever they want in comp. Which resulted in more and more people never wanting to play this game again, thanks to one tricks, 5 dps comps and people just instalocking something and not giving a damn about their team. and people who cared enough to flex never getting the chance to play WHAT THEY WANT, because they had to flex to have a chance.

It’s fine. I’d rather wait 15 minutes for a better quality game than to have 1 minute ques followed by the most garbage games imaginable. It’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make.

Even though it probably won’t end that way. A LOT of players only pick dps because they hate solo tanking or solo healing. when 2/2/2 becomes a thing, a lot of people will have enough reason to play things other than dps.


I can’t wait for the dps queue times. People are going to freak out when their queue time is 14+ Minutes


I think those DPS queue times are overstated if they are just Comp, and not Quickplay.

2-2-2 is probably a bad fit for Quickplay. But 4DPSmax per team, which may eventually turn into 3DPSmax, would work fine for Quickplay.

Hey Grey, I’m just going off what Jeff already said.

Jeff never mentioned if those queue times are just Comp or both

I highly doubt he was talking about quick-play… Because it’s called “Quick” Play. They won’t put 2-2-2 in qp, he was most certainly talking about competitive.