2-2-2 Ruined Adaptability

In role queue I will search as dps and play attack Torbjorn on every map. And you can’t do anything about ir because you are tied to your role. You can report me but I’m playing a hero in my role and trying my best with it, so Blizz won’t do anything.

Now tell me how role queue is filtering people who just want to have fun in competitive?

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Yup and that is the problem people have forgotten what competative means, win or lose even celebrates, when i was growing up losers left hanging their heads and then would train and practice harder and longer to beat their opponents, winners were the ones that deserved the celebration, Why? Because they won!

Because most (not all) of the casuals wont wait in long wait times just to play, they will filter back to quickplay and arcade

No. I only played those when competitive didn’t exist. Why? Because in quick play you can have a 6 man kill with cree ult because there are not tanks or proper supports because nobody cares. But it won’t happen in comp so qp is useless. It’s only for those who want to farm loot boxes for useless voice lines and sprays faster.

Competitive is the only mode worth playing in overwatch, but some players have life as well and jobs, and they are over 30, so they won’t sweat blood over it and they will play on competitive (because the rest is a joke) for fun, just like me.

And for the record, playing for fun doesn’t mean throwing. When I’m having fun, I’'m still better than 60% of the players who are taking it seriously. And that is enough for me.


Nobody has to prove anything in overwatch. There are no prizes, no real competition.

Competitive means if I play I will eventually have golden guns win or lose
so who cares?

Oh you meant that if you play comp you have to go with the mindset of I wanna win very bad. I don’t think all people share that idea

My gold example wasn’t directed towards your rank. It was just an example of you will be playing with others around your rank. Although they may not be dps players, they may have a general idea of what to do. Theres also considering that maybe they weren’t enabled possibly from bad tanking or even dps healers. Unless there is a vod, can’t really say.

Then i bring up that even people with hours on a character and they get to a mindset that they think they know everything. e.g. the plat reinhardt from my game. I rewatched the vod and at the end he says “Guys I have 450 hours on Reinhardt, I know what i’m doing.” when he clearly didn’t.

Plus the sr gains/losses are boosted atm. Games are giving/taking about 30+ sr. Even if you place gold, if you are a high plat/low diamond you should be able to climb back up right? Games can get frustrating but what can you do about players performing poorly? What happens when you perform poorly in a game? Should the players on your team be understanding or is it okay for them to flame you for the 1 game you do poorly on?

And we are going back to the original problem, the role queue.

Previously, when somebody played poorly, at least we had the chance to swap roles and heroes and strategy, now we can’t. It is what it is from the second when you press “search game”. It’s fckd up.

The rest of the problems are on the top already.

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Yup someone switches then you are down a healer or a tank, and people wonder why there are not many support/tank players, because doing that job solo is a living hell and not fun at all yes i do have fun but that is a secondary priority, my first is winning, and solo tanking or healing you have lowered the whole team chances of winning drasticly
The whole idea is to increase your chances of winning not lowering it, it is like playing soccer and one forward is not playing well so you move a defense up as a 4th forward, you just lowered you chance of winning that game


You never had a situation when it was overtime and you died and you had to get out there fast again, so you switched to a hero who has extra move speed? During overtime, Soldier, Wrecking ball, Reaper, Tracer etc… all worth more than a Zen for example. But this can’t happen in role queue anymore. Just think please.

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Ah yes you are the person that runs out on the the point 1v6 in the vain hope you are going to stall, 1v6 you dont have a chance in hell bud
I mean i am all about winning but even i know when to throw in the towel and know when the game is lost

But this is why I like their idea of separate sr for each role. Cause everyone doesn’t play all roles at an equal level. That and the fact that people havent settled into their ranks and possibly that this beta season doesn’t count (More people that don’t care) results in some games as a fiesta.

And from your example of swapping roles, do you think its fair if a 3k dps player plays on his alt to learn tank/heals in gold only to swap back to his main role mid-game utterly stomping for the W? There are some cons to the new role que but I personally think the pros outweigh the cons.

I’ve seen and been part of teams come back from point battles many times because a healer picking wrecking ball and delaying the cap for 5 seconds while dps respawn.
Sometimes being a healer and running back to a point that being capped is totally useless as there may not even be anyone infront of you to heal and even if there was your healing probably wouldnt out heal the dps from a 6 person group on the point and if you’re not moira or lucio you have no stall potential. So yes going wrecking ball as a zen to help stall a cap is much better than just staying zen.

Another moaning one trick dps then.

2-2-2 works as long as players switch to counter what’s in front of them.

This inability of certain players who are either inept and don’t understand the concept of countering or they’re just throwing one tricks who moan about not being able to climb is very frustrating and really the fun killer.


Tanks-D.Va, Winston, WB
Dps- Sombra, Soldier, Tracer, Genji, DF, (maybe Pharah)
Supports-Mercy if you rez with a taxi, Lucio, Moira

There are options and you can do it.

to op: yes, this is indeed one of the multiple problems created by this horrendously bad (imo) change to the game

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Some people that like playing still have kids, jobs, school, gf/bf, other hobbies etc they just to jump into a game win a few golden gun coins and move on swiftly.

No need- I won’t be seeing you in plat if you play like that.

Role que does not ruin adaptability you and your teammates do.

222 is utter dog crap on PS4.

The number of players clearly playing a role they’ve never played before is astronomical right now.

  1. Crazy dps Moira going in 1v6 and dying. Bronze heals behind Mercy and Hog.
  2. Orisa setting up her barrier 30m from point we’re trying to defend and using it as her own personal bunker as team trying to stop payload.
    3+ Genji. Good old Genji. I groan inwardly when I see a Genji on the team. Almost without fail every Genji I’ve seen has been utter crap. My favourite Genji play was him ulting when no enemies in line of sight and angrily slashing the air repeatedly.

On plus side. Love Zarya on the team. Almost every Zarya I’ve seen has been a rock star and lit up like a beacon all game as they get all the golds.

I can only assume that as Zarya hard to play, the dps players are avoiding her, so Zaryas actually played by Zarya mains.

And best thing is, everybody on Comms, everybody groups up, and no more 1v6 feeding and all players swap to counter as needed.



No, it’s the same disorganised death match lite crap we had before 222.