2-2-2 Ruined Adaptability

Before you jump to conclusions about me being a DPS main I will tell you that I have equal time played as main tank and DPS, and some of my most epic matches I played Moira or Mercy.

Here’s my problem with forcing roles upon us… It limits what you’re able to do during a game. I’ll be honest, I’ve won games with 5-6 dps or tanks… and that sh*t was FUN. While not normally required to have that many, it did mix it up for something refreshing. Aside from giggles, there’s actually reasons you would want to mix it up during a match. Maybe your DpS is having issues breaking through, but your healers and tanks are doing just fine. At this point we switch a tank or healer to DpS and give them that extra firepower to take the point. Maybe even with 2 healers everyone is getting killed so you want a 3rd while on defense just trying to hold. Maybe we want 3 shields to protect Bastion. Bastion counts as 2 DpS if he’s protected by the group!

World of Warcraft Raid boss fights… do they ALL require 2 tanks?? Or perhaps are there some fights that are different?

Anyway, they took all adaptability out. Matches change as they play out. You can go in with plan A… but that rarely goes as you want.

I’m done playing. Not fun being forced to play a certain style. I like the groups that went 6 tanks or dps with me. We’re here for fun. I’m not going to win a tournament. I don’t care about GM league.


Finally someone mentioned it.

Role queue just ties our hands big time which is ruining the game!

-For example, it just happens often that for the last point, you have 10-20 seconds left. Zenyatta is changing quickly to Wrecking Ball for example to make it back in time and potentially win the game.

-Or whichever players were not comfortable with their role so for the 2nd round, we mix things up and swap roles. Even sometimes after the 1st team fight.

-Even pro games are going with 3 tanks and 3 supports because it just fits the map, part of the map etc… so why forcing 2-2-2???

-Or the map! Let’s say I’m playing support during the day, BUT there are maps like Numbani (defense) or Hanamura (defense) where I want to play Torbjorn because it is good and fun! Now I can’t do it anymore!


I’ve been saying this since role lock was first announced. There wasn’t quite as much push-back against it as there is now.


I know it varies wildly between region SR and time of day you play, but most of my games were won and lost before the match even started if we had at least one main tank and healer I would win if not I would lose the chances of both teams having an equally good lineup was close to zero.

I like these changes it gurantees a game is not lost before it starts barring leavers or throwers of course.


I mean this is still the case. Just because 2 heroes of each class are forced, doesn’t mean there’s any synergy in those compositions or general playstyle of the other players. When two bruisers and no tanks are picked, it really limits what anyone else can do if you want a chance at winning. May as well let them go DPS so they’re smaller ult batteries.

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2-2-2 being shoved down our throats because many people complained that if their team is using any other comp that is not 2-2-2 they are having an awful experience. That is of course entirely subjective as I enjoyed playing in non 2-2-2 comps, an option which is no longer present. And just to appease those who complained, we get awful queue times and restrictive gameplay. Something new to complain about.


No, 2-2-2 is locked because many people wanted to be able to queue for the role they wanted instead of playing something else they are bad at and don’t enjoy for the sake of the team.

Role Lock is just a consequence because if you don’t lock roles, DPS would queue as supports and then play DPS anyway.


This is the exact same thing. If you were fine with playing anything other than non 2-2-2, you could just pick what you wanted to play with less queue times.

I’ve learned long ago that “filling” AKA “playing something you are bad at for the sake of the team” was detrimental not only for your own SR but for your enjoyment of the game. Something which you still haven’t learned but probably don’t need to now.

I was perfectly fine playing non 2-2-2 comps, but not all non 2-2-2 comps are the same, and regardless of MY attitude, many other people would spend all match harping on non 2-2-2 if you didn’t get it, or reluctantly switch if they did.

At the end of the day, what happened before was most people wanted to play DPS, a few would switch and grudgingly fill, and games would feel uneven because of it.

As a support main I usually got to play what I wanted, but the rest of my team would not, and you can definitely feel the difference between playing with a main tank who wants to tank and a frustrated DPS playing Rein.

Now, when I queue, I’m playing with people who are on the heroes they want to be one, and the games are way more enjoyable to play in. People know what they are doing and the teams function better.

It’s not because 2-2-2 is the best comp, but it’s decent enough and allows everyone to comfortably play what they wanted to.

Here is another problem.

DPS in the team said he just want the placements and the SR, but he is not a DPS player. No surprised, tank and healer got gold and silver dmg… That is also ruining the game when ppl just want the placement within a role which they can’t play. Ruining it for others…

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You honestly aren’t in disagreement with me. You are just saying the exact same thing. The only thing is:

People can queue for DPS and wait 10-20 minutes or they can queue for tank and play a DPSy tank and get a game in 1 minute. Guess what happens? People will choose option 2 which is in direct contradiction to “people playing with heroes they want to be playing” and exactly what role queue was supposed to fix in your opinion… people will “grudgingly fill” because they don’t have time to wait 20 minutes in a queue.

Now you get the same result but instead of having 3 DPS and someone insta-tilting because they don’t see a magical 2-2-2, you just get a bad mix of tanks like hog zarya or people who are just bad at tanking and queue for it because the waiting time for other role is ridiculous. Neither of which is better than just having a 3 DPS comp and does not solve any problem of toxicity.

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It’s not exactly the same thing, though. At least the people queuing tank knew what they were in for when they signed up and decided doing that is better than not playing at all.

I’ll happily play support for Hog/Zarya or whatever other crazy combo people come up with. And sure, you’ll get some “we need a shield” complaints, but it’s not nearly what it used to be.

I dunno, my experience thus far is 90% of my matches are super fun and people are enjoying themselves rather than just dealing with it in hopes the next game is more fun.

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But that’s the point. Role queue was literally an option beforehand with LFG. But people decided the waiting was not worth it and actually preferred going into a match with the chance of having 3 or more DPS because you could just play 2 games by the time you did 1. Guess what? That option is now gone and you are forced into waiting unless you queue as tank or a little less as support.

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This is true the word “gurantee” was wrong but it is still less likely to get an auto loss under this system, its not perfect but its better than we had previously in my opinion.

LFG was fine, but it took work to find groups. I played it a lot originally and preferred it, but then I got lazy and just proffered to click a single button to get into a game.

Also, there was some toxicity from group leaders inspecting profiles that just made LFG unpleasant at times.

We need 3 DPS to kill pirate ship… but maybe they’ll balance the heroes around 222 ?

These posts are so bizarre.

People are actually starting to act like pre-2-2-2 had people constantly shifting roles in order to win.

Not only is this just not true in my experience of playing the game it also has a massive flaw that a lot of people aren’t thinking about.

People would 9/10 times pick their character/role right at the start of the match and stay that pick until the end and sometimes change in between rounds. You can’t sit here and act like it was so much more “creative” or “adaptive” back then because you could literally only control one variable: You.
Most matches resulted in natural 2-2-2s anyway because people do generally understand that you will want tanks and supports to win. Pick rates prove that tanks and supports were in almost every game and more often than not people would aim for at least 2 of each.

Even if this fantasy of what pre-2-2-2 was like was actually true it still wouldn’t work because of two problems:

  1. One SR across all roles will be inaccurate
  2. Swapping roles in the middle of a match was usually more harmful than helpful

If you’re placed into a match where your DPS suck and you swap DPS in order to make up for their shortcomings and you win then you end up boosting them into a higher rank than they deserve. If they couldn’t play DPS in gold why do you think they’ll be able to in plat?

It might be a hard pill to swallow, but sometimes your team deserves to lose even if you did good because nobody else did. It makes more sense to decrease one decent players SR than to increase five bad player’s SR. With separate role SRs and some time this would hopefully improve because players who perform poorly will generally move down the SR scale and players who perform well will generally move up it.

Lastly it usually ends up being less helpful to swap off your role in the middle of a match because we now will have one less of whatever you were playing. You might think you’re hot stuff, but we still need healing.


222 is boring and frustrating.

At least on the old way hero select mistakes could be corrected on the fly…now there is no possibilty.

Someone cant switch to tank from support etc etc and its making the games too straightforward and boring.

And on a side note… im no thrower …but im inadverdently throwing if i play 2 particular roles im not fond of playing.

ill never understand the concept of tanking and ill always have a dps mentality as a healer

so if you see me on your team please carry me


You are Projecting.

20 chr lmt

Projecting what exactly?