✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

Me2 somehow. But i also think the game would not be fixed this way because people would not care as much. I think SR should be overall. Not per role.

Yeah having people soft throwing on other roles for months is going to be soooo great! Because yes, having new SR for different roles will require adjustment, its like an MMR reset so its going to be suuuuuuper fun.

Yeeeey… :disappointed:

Doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

Just having me on the team tips the balance in my favor giving my team only 5 spots for soft throwers while the enemy team has 6.

I’ll take those chances!

please do not ruin quickplay, you guys already got rid of no limit quickplay


Sniper aim training “Lol it’s just Quickplay” mode isn’t really the best way to represent Overwatch to new players.

yeah, lets lock out new players from trying different heroes

If you pick RoleQueue, you are pretty much guaranteed your first or second hero choice in a Role.

two thumbs up from me. I’ve been saying this from the beginning - give everyone there own separate SR rankings based on the role they choose to play. Although I consider myself a masters widow and a gold genji at best so there’s that problem…

One thing I think could help queue times would be to offer a “fill” queue simmilar to LoL where you are essentially queuing for all 3 roles at the same time and get whatever comes first. So still 2/2/2 and using your individual role mmrs, but gives the matchmaker more flexibility with assigning groups.

Edit: just noticed in the gif that you had the roles set up so that multiple could be selected so never mind.

It is (should be) possible to select more then one role in Comp. But I disagree that QP can have an optional 2-2-2. If it doesn’t get into QP then balancing for Comp and QP will be different, leading to QP fall behind. If it is optional then we get a similar problem then LFG, locking your team is a disadvantage so you get punished. This has a big impact on the acceptance and people will avoid it (in 2-2-2 lock the disadvantage will be Q times. First DPS will avoid it, then there are no DPS and the other roles will leave too). The best option would be a no lock arcade mode. Only then all benefits from 2-2-2 will be effective and the role distribution will balance it self. Support and Tank become more attractive because there is no risk to do the job alone making it a bit easier while DPS have more responsibility because many counters have to be done by DPS player while there is no 3rd or 4th DPS to hide behind.

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To those that say 2-2-2 will hurt DPS players, I believe it will help DPS players play better. Guaranteeing tanks and supports will give DPS more space to work with and the quality of DPS can rise more easily. Sure you will get longer queue times, but the quality of the games should definitely be better.

Anyone who plays the game know that DPS quality tends to vary more wildly compared to tank and supports. 2-2-2 should in theory lessen the quality gap and properly help push all players to play better in the long run.

The only problem is that this requires long term commitment. Giving up halfway defeats the purpose of making the quality of the games better.

Once again, great job Greyfalcon!
Good editing and great ideas! :slight_smile:


I can now play tank in plat and Genji in mid silver on the SAME account :wink:

Instead of 2-2-2 role lock, why don’t they try a coefficient multiplier.
Let says if you go 3 supports, overall healing will decrease x0.7.
Or if you go 3 tanks or Quad tanks, your whole team will take more damage x1.2 x1.4.
Same thing with DPS if you go more than 2 dps, your whole team will deal less damage x0.7.
This will allow the developer create Tank/Support without worrying about NEW GOATS or making GOATS stronger.
In the same time, players are able to play a creativity comp like 2 tanks 4 supports or so.

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i am interested to see how they will balance category sr (if ever becomes a thing), back when i played comp i was a high master on tank. anything else i was low diamond at best. is there going to be a soft reset for the placements? otherwise there is no point since you all going to be placed in the same rank regardless and adjust accordingly afterwards, which would be extremely lazy btw.

Don’t even bother if not going to have preselected heroes.

I like this idea.
Btw, congrats on hitting 20,000.

That’s gonna be really a big issue.

Would kinda suck to have to do 30 placement games, every month…

ideally you want a soft reset once its implemented, but just one. 30 placement matches for all. afterwards make it like it is now (placement matches dont matter). maybe even reduce placements to 5 matches.

I’d rather they just get rid of placements entirely after your initial placements.

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