2-2-2 proves that bullies win in 21 century

I am saying that in 21 century big companies comply with the loudest people, and are too quick to appease them, even though what they want is to control other people

Maybe you should raise your voice more so people hear you and read the role queue update to see how this has created a more positive experience for most people.

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I think you’re mainly upset that the competitive mode is now the role locked 2/2/2. Let those players who want to yell at their teammates when they lose and get all pissy stay in that gamemode with the locked 2/2/2.

QP classic exists and I’ve moved over there with no real intention to return to comp outside of the placements. I’ve had 1 game where someone started complaining about the team composition via voice or text chat. The reason? People have nothing to lose when playing this game mode. No SR to lose, no gold weapons to worry about, no “teammates are holding me back” mentality.

When they’re dying multiple times, and look around and realize that there’s no tanks or support and will switch to what they believe is needed. It’s actually the words competitive combined with giving out rewards that was bringing out the worst in people. If you look around enough, you’ll notice people that were praising role queue during beta are the same people that were complaining that the games were worse once RQ live hit. No matter what you do or say, people that are going to complain are going to complain.

For your

The option still exists, it’s in arcade called quick play classic as a permanent mode. It’s way better than competitive ever will be because you don’t have immature people yelling at each other to switch while trying to enforce this weird 2/2/2 without it being 2/2/2. I’ve gone through full 6v6 dps games while it’s still really close without a single complaint and gg’s all the end. Why? Because the 6 dps players here understand how to play without tanks and without supports. Something which people who played in a “comp” mode never understood how to do.


A lot of people wanted and voted for 2-2-2 you know that right???

Also a lot of people like 2-2-2 too. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean everyone hates it.

Where do you get this info? Was there a poll? Just because youtubers like it and you do, doesn’t mean most of player base does.

We know there are more DPS players than other roles, i don’t think they are loving the change

Calm down and I will show you.

I play QP classic only now, i agree

But you are not selfish forcing people to be solo tanking right

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What is this? Is there a stat that over 50% of players like this? You know, the definition of “most”, it ia not the same as “many”

You are really nit picky and toxic. I can see why you miss the old ways.


Forcing how? By picking a hero i like? By talking? Negotiating? Words are force?

Again personal attack without any argument.

You made a claim that most people like role lock, i disagree.

Most means more than 50%, i explained why i have my position (because most players are DPS and they wont love it)

What is your argument that most people like the role lock? “Many” people doesnt mean most. If there is some stat or poll that i don’t know of that shows this, i will agree with you, you WIN and case is closed

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It’s not a personal attack I have identified that you are nit picking and toxic and you do not respond sensibly to anything I say. You accuse me of getting my opinions from random polls and youtube and do not even read my source when I link it. You are being objectively nit picky and toxic.

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You calling him toxic is pretty toxic tbh :heart:

Where is this accusation? I said information you provided does not state that “most” people prefer role lock

It’s fairly rare that a DPS cries about needing a tank. It’s usually the support player or a Zarya main who rightfully would like to have an aggressive Rein. Honestly, the people who were the first to cry about needing hero X or a certain team comp are usually the ones that are gonna rage at the end of the game anyway.


You take things out of context and have a victim complex when someone points out your faults. You need a reality check brocacho.

Lol dude, again with a personal attack.

What did i take out of context? I disagreed with what you said and that makes me toxic? Who has the victim complex here?

Where do you get the info that most people like role lock? Show me one source i will take it.

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Telling you that you have a victim complex is not a personal attack that is exactly what I am describing. Lol.

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You are just wrong on this…

Blizzard conceived, tested and decided on this on their own sometime before or during GOATS without input from the community. I suspect they might have polled the OWL players and folks and maybe some streamers as well. But blaming the community as bullying Blizzard is simply patently false an assertion.


Do i have a victim complex because i suggest that Blizzard got bullied and i don’t like it?

Or for asking you to elaborate and provide some evidence for your claims?

I will be a toxic victim again here: Where do you get the info that most people like role lock? Show me one source i will take it.