2-2-2 proves that bullies win in 21 century

I loved playing 3 DPS games, and it was rare that i would lose a game when we had 3 dps and they had 2. I also think it is a much better gameplay with 3 dps & 1 tank.
In any case this is what I personally like, and its subjective, but now they took that option away from me and many other similar thinking people in comp.

And the selfish people are the supports who wanted to literally FORCE dps to switch got their way. And im sad to see that Blizzard got bullied into submission.

I can see same stuff happening in politics now - “oh you disagree with me, we will FORCE you to do what WE want”

So yes lets appease the loudest and most authoritarian people and help them bully the majority, who can handle their emotions and dont want to FORCE anyone to do anything.

Well, you can’t force us do anything - in the end we are free people and in this case we will just stop logging in, so BULLIES YOU WIN again, DPS are leaving. Enjoy your new great game with only loud toxic bullies remaining.

PS. No, goats had nothing to do with it, if they wanted to fix goats in OWL, they would just introduce a limit of 2 tanks and 2 supports per team there at the hero select


Oh honey


Have to disagree on this. As a support main, I’ve never cared who picked what role. As long as I had a healer, I was happy and even when I didn’t, I just worked harder to heal. Not everyone is happy about the forced roles. Still wholeheartedly believe they should have only put this in comp and left QP alone. It’s just how it is now. You can deal or leave the game. No salt, just being honest.

Riiiiiight, being Blizzard/Activision decided to totally rework their billion dollar cash cow IP to the whimsy of QP and ladder support and tank players.
It wasn’t about the $$$$$$$$$ 85+ million in OWL dough and needing to keep both pro and pleb playing the “same” game as each other in balance and format.

Good one.

2/2/2 proves that ActiBlizzard just wants to bleed Overwatch for what it has left and has abandoned any aspirations of longevity for the game. I don’t really think they care if they kill it either because it’s just been a profit for them at this point. I used to feel good about giving my money to Blizzard, now I feel like part of the problem.


I always felt more stressed when my opposition ran 3 DPS because it meant being attacked from more angles. My own win rate was higher when my team ran 3 DPS over 2-2-2 as well. But that flexibility is gone so… it is what it is. One less thing to differentiate a team from one another.

Not gonna lie, I don’t think it would be a bad idea for them to shift the balance to allow for a 1-3-2 role queue. In theory they should be able to easily change the # in each role, it’s the hero balance that has to be addressed.

And the problem of what do you do with off tanks? If you only have 1 tank can you justify WB who has 0 ability to protect his team? Or do you re-work tanks like that into DPS?

For Ball he could easily be made into a DPS though. Just make him more fragile and make his guns do a bit more damage.

Edit: also, what world do you live in? Role Queue removed DPS players being pressured to play Tanks/Supports… Now you can be 100% guaranteed to get to play a DPS character with no chance of being told to switch to Support. The downside is there are so many people like you that only want to play DPS that 2/2/2 caused huge queue times.

Role Queue is not bad, wanting to force 2/2/2 when the player base clearly favors DPS is probably a mistake. And I think that could be alleviated by nerfing this double shield meta and buffing up the Off Tanks. DPS mains need better DPS hybrids in Tank/Support to encourage them to play those characters.

funny, I always found 3 dps easier to kill. I guess that proves that these conspiracy theories are all nonsense. Wait, what’s that? anecdotal generalized opinions don’t prove anything? huh.

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Actually the opposite.
I would pick dps & using your terms , get bullied into playing tank or support.
So role que has fixed the problem.


Reworking the tank role would be a shorter task than reworking every role, I think. Plus, it would make tanks really feel like the anchor of the team to actually have the power to protect and lead the charge. Playing tank feels so punishing.

Stunned, stunned, stunned, knock down, stunned, booped, stunned, dead. But you took it on the face for your team, what fun!

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They started working on 2-2-2 back during dive, long before GOATS was a thing. GOATS also begun to be demolished by 3 dps comps before they released 2-2-2.

This. Right here.

And half the tanks are stunners rather than damage outputters themselves. It’s the only appealing offense of tanks, which is also bad for keeping interest.

Yes, the problem fixed! You can now spend more time viewing your skins in OW menu than actually playing the game! And when you play you just shoot the shield until someone disconnects to put you back in the menu for another 15 minutes

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lol i feel sorry for the played investors and owners that thought OWL was going to actually generate revenue for them. Only people that got money was the sad company named actiblizzard. but hey, it’s only about money let’s be honest.


all they needed to do was limit the number of tanks that could be in any one game, forcing 222 was the dumbest thing blizzard could have ever done.


that never really happened at the OWL level…
at best we saw a move towards adding in a DPS hero (Sombra) but the core issue of allowing 3 of any class was still a problem.

and you’re also missing the point. OP is trying to suggest that a billion dollar franchise level IP, was tinkered with for no other reason than whiner supports/tank players in QP/ladder.
Shakes fist “Ohhh take this you DPS players!!”.

When the simple truth is more in line with blizzard saw issues with game balance going forward due to over load comps of 3 or 4 heroes of the same role. Then looking to protect their pro league, pulling 85+ million last year, they rolled out 222.
We got it too being games need to be the same at the pro and pleb level for fans to feel invested in it.

Large scale investments at this level are only about rate of return. If you get close to equaling out the market rate, it’s fine. You’re rolling the dice it could be more. The teams all knew how profits where going to be split etc. No one went in blind.

the pay off starts to come more in these next few seasons with the home stands. If teams can’t find ways to leverage home market teams + home market games, that’s on them to some degree.

Blizzard right now just need to keep fan interesting in the game by getting to work on balance a bit more.

Nobody really ever listened to me when I said to swap. Not really how I remember it tbh, I remember a lot of 4 / 5 dps games where the dps wouldn’t swap.

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There is a difference between arguing with someone for a certain thing or forcing them do it by pleeding to a bigger power (Blizzard).

One is fine, the other one is not (in my view)

That also proves the point that people preferred to play other comps and not 2-2-2

So basically “it’s support players fault that blizzard implemented role queue?”

Well no there was a high revolt against them, a lot of people didn’t like having 4 dps comps, people would complain about it all the time. The one problem is that they didn’t want to be the one to swap.

Not to mention GOATS comp which was extremely prevalent which people complained about because it was boring 0_o

Math is wrong, if 4 people prefer to play dps, and the other 2 are complaining, it kind of shows that there are more people preferring a 4 dps comp