2-2-2 Lock, the new LFG

If you are trying to evaluate your team you actually have to watch your team play and understand what’s going on. Watch replays, watch the player cams while you are respawning, watch what’s unfolding before you in-game, etc., and also communicate with people in order to understand what they are doing and why they are doing.

Maybe you have 6 really good people on the team but the comms suck which prevents everyone from getting on the same page. Kicking out a low performing player based on scoreboard data isn’t going to fix your bad comms problem.

Maybe your comms are great, but the team doesn’t pick a good game plans or has problems executing the game plan. Again, not something that’s going to show up on a scoreboard

If you have a 76 with gold elims and an Ana that’s barely pumping out heals; which one is the weak link? Maybe Ana keeps getting curbed stomped by flankers, 76 refuses to peel, and your team keeps losing fights due to lack of heals. Is that on Ana or on the teammate(s) that are supposed to peel to keep Ana upright?

Maybe Ana is pumping out heals like no tomorrow but she focuses on topping off low-priority teammates (that should probably go get a health pack) instead of keeping up teammates that are in the thick of things and have no way to self-sustain?

Since MM is automated it has no choice but to rely heavily on stats because using machine learning to understand and contextualize the events of the game the same way a well trained human would be able to is no small task (especially at the speed and scale the MM has to operate on). One the flip size, since humans can contextualize the in-game action that should be their primary source of evaluation. Stats can assist the evaluation process by quantifying certain metrics, but they aren’t a substitute for actual watching the game so you have proper context.

So to iloveyou’s point, just giving people more stats w/out context isn’t going to help players evaluate one another’s performance.

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You joke about that, but in any given game you can watch the replay and spot at least 1 or more players…displaying skill far lower than the rest of the players in the match. And if you check their profile (if its not private) you will see they have very little playtime on the hero they selected. Creating an unbalanced game.

Have you ever tried using lfg in diamond? I actually want to play the game not search for replacement players every time someone leaves if I even find one.

Are you guys talking about role lock or 2/2/2 lock? I keep seeing people using them interchangeably even though they aren’t the same thing, though they will probably be rolled out side by side (along with role-based SR and hopefully a role queue).

Role lock is really only need to keep people from joining a game under one role and then switching to a different role in the lobby (ex. a DPS player skipping the longer DPS queue lines by queuing up as tank or support and then going DSP once they get into a game). Its a way to combat trolls and thus help reduce general toxicity.

I assume that people wanted LFG that worked similar to LFG systems in pretty much every single other game with roles.

You click the roles you want to fill (tank, support, DPS, Flex) and then the game fills the group up for you. Quicker than something like Discord groups and doesn’t require 32093234 friends on Overwatch. Instead we got something that is super slow, often fails after all that time spent building a team, and super easy to exploit (See the constant deranking stacks).

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I said role lock to respond to the comment. However, I used them interchangeably because I equated the two systems. I hadn’t considered a system where 2-2-2 would be locked, but players didn’t queue for a specific role.

222 lock still won’t ensure you get a main tank. You’ll still get plenty of games with two off-tanks.


If you truly wanted to rank up and get better, shouldnt you be playing in a 6 stack?

It’s true if Overwatch is like other fps but it’s not. If you really want to climb, you need to have a GOOD team

With Lucio I’m on 21 per win and - 27 per loss.

Good thing Pbsr is keeping me from rising too high as I’m so bad with him…

Oh wait, I’m on 75% win rate with him currently.

So Pbsr thinks that I suck balls with Lucio, but my win rate says different.

If machine learning is used to calculate Pbsr gains, maybe more learning needed…

They’ll still do that with role queue, though. Tank and Support mains think they know what they’re doing most of the time, but they also are as unaware as a cow in a slaughterhouse, most maintain their ranks by doing the bare minimum anyway. Like, I’m not going to pretend I know what I’m doing 100% of the time either, but at least I’m willing to admit that I screw up often, otherwise I wouldn’t struggle getting back to diamond.

Learn More Heroes. That’s what i say. The game is more fun that way, and you can fix any bad comps single handedly.

A lot of times we’ll get 5 dps locks instantly. I’ll go Orisa. Someone sees that someone is actually trying, they switch to off tank. Then suddenly we get another healer.

People will follow if you are the one to make the change, help out the team with a tank.

I just don’t think FORCING the roles helps at all. To me, the main problem is that over half the roster is DPS. 1-3-2 makes more sense to me. But then only a couple tanks are viable as solo tanks. So… can’t do that. I don’t know. 222 role lock before you even see the map or anything just sounds dumb to me.

I think players should stop focusing so much on “our comp sucks.” I’ve seen people start throwing fits over 3dps. Like… i love 3dps. I think that can go really well down here in Gold, lol.

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That’s not what PBSR does.

Good job!

I don’t have any insider knowledge, but I mean, just looking at your public profile for this season a few things stand out to me:

  1. Sample size is relatively low - 12 games won on Lucio with a 75% win rate means you played 16 games on Lucio.
  2. 2.38:1 eliminations per life. Lucio is one of the most survivable heroes and from what I’ve seen deaths are a major factor in PBSR adjustments. That makes sense to me, because if you’re dead you’re not providing any value to your team. It’s also possible that other people in your brackets (you’re right on the cusp of Gold and Platinum, right?) are consistently staying alive and / or contributing to more eliminations than you.
  3. 25% accuracy and 7% critical hit rate seems really low to me, but I’m not really a Lucio player so not sure what good numbers are there. I know I’ve played against some really scary Lucios in Platinum.
  4. I see multikills of 3 for Orisa, D.Va, and Torbjorn, but there’s not even an entry for Lucio. Are you making use of environmental hazards? I know that the PotG system heavily weights environmental kills - which again, also makes sense to me because it can absolutely swing or even shut down a team fight.

Anyway, keep at it! If you want to get more out of PBSR I’d suggest 1) stay alive more and 2) make sure you’re contributing more to fights - Lucio can win games by “just being there” but the really good Lucios are a force of their own.

If machine learning is used, then it’s constantly learning. I don’t know for sure that it is ML, though - maybe it’s just a guy in a room who makes lists of people that Blizzard wants to keep down. If that’s the case then I got lucky because I usually lose 18-21 on a loss and gain 25-32 on a win (when I’m in Platinum, of course). One of these days I’ll be a consistent Diamond player.

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Took a break from comp today Played a load of qp games with a couple of chums. I’m guessing that they’re both bronze tier as my comp screen showed unable to queue with them for comp.

Average SR of opponents appeared to be around 2k as a consequence. When 2nd chum joined I think dropped to 1800 SR.

Anyway, played Lucio some games and stats a lot better. One game was at gold elims and silver damage near end of 1st round Busan. Switched to Moira as realised team needed more grunt. Ended 2nd round, with win, with 4 golds and silver damage.

Nobody at 2k can generally aim for jack. I can just run around in front of 4 or 5 of the enemy team and hold up payload for 5-10 seconds before I get eliminated at last.

One Lucio game I went 15-0 with him, vs. my 2.38 average with him in comp.

Long story short, was nice to see how far I’d come with my play since I was last low gold several months back.

Guess I need to just do loads of comp death match to build my mechanics.

Maybe in a few months I’ll find 2.5k games as easy as I find 2k ones now? If I persevere that is.

(That’s not to say that we won all the games. I’m still not as capable of carrying as a 2.5k damage main player. One game enemy Hammond had 72% kp. Wrecked us with dive attacks as my dps all flailed around and never focused anything down).

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And you expect them to get better without 2-2-2, how? Some miracle? When half of their games are DPS insta locks with maybe a healer and an off-tank?

And the Tanks/Supports are probably DPS mains that are just doing it because no one else wants to… which leads to unorthodox (if not awful) play on their part.

The environment in which players learn how to play the game has a lot to do with how they play the game when you go into a group with them.

Game should have had 2-2-2 with Role-Specific SR from the very beginning.

2-2-2 won’t fix the problems instantly, because most people who are playing the game have learned how to play the game in the specific environment it provided - which was generally the Wild Wild West’s Comp Casino. Their assumptions, tendencies, habits, etc. are a result of the environment in which they have learned to play the game.

However, it will help rectify much of the resultant problem as time goes on and people adjust to it. New players will also pick up the game and play better within their rank, especially since they aren’t going to be forced to play off-role in ranks where they aren’t up to par on that role - and the general gameplay environment will be a bit more consistent.

Learning how to play with your tanks works better when you [more] consistently have main tanks that actually play that role well on the team… Same with healers… and same with tanks, for that matter.

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Yeah good look with that.
There is way more people playing offtank than maintank.

LFG failed because it was lacking in so many features

if I had all this QoL, I would never use matchmaker again

I know that role lock isn’t going to magically help me climb. I just want more consistent games that aren’t basically a rush to pick DPS, followed by reluctant filling, or just refusing to be a team player and locking that fourth DPS anyway. Or when you get four support mains that can’t tank or DPS at the level expected of their SR. When this happens everyone just tilts at the hero select screen, everyone takes their frustation out on each other, and everyone has a bad time.

Is role lock magically going to fix ranked overnight? Probably not. Is it going to suddenly make everyone good? Definitely not. Is it going to stop toxicity? No, people are still gonna blame their teammates. But it’s a step in the right direction to ensure more consistent games.


I have my reservations about 222 fixing things.

But can’t make it any worse than currently…

It’s not a fix for anything. It’s an adjustment meant to improve the game. People on this forum have really awful expectations. Either what Blizzard does instantly rectifies their complaints, or their ridiculous ideas are de facto superior…

And this forum really needs a block function.

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