2-2-2 Lock, the new LFG

Does everyone remember how excited the community was when LFG was announced? Contrary to what players say now, the community asked for LFG, just like the community is asking for 2-2-2.

So, where is LFG now? Oh wait, it is garbage because of all the road to bronze groups, trolls, throwers, derankers…blah blah blah. No one uses LFG because the community failed to understand that LFG, much like 2-2-2, will not make you better at the game, nor is it meant to. Features such as these are meant to create better matches (and probably to stop community complaining).

If you want to rank up, you need to become introspective. The recently released replay system is much more valuable than any in-game queuing feature.

No SR fairy exists for OW, but every player can climb through self-reflection and improving your play.


Just another step on the ladder to complete homogenization. Honestly not sure why these people even play this game. Halo already exists.


After 2-2-2 lock, the community will cry for a “main” lock. Players are forced to pick their main when queuing for comp.

I am joking, but our community will do any and everything to rank up beside look at and improve their own play.


yeah good, the more blizzard takes away excuses the better for the game overall

I am for 2-2-2 lock and if it would make me rank lower or higher I don’t care.


i might come back to ow in locked 222 but till then the game will never be balanced an always be a trash competitive experience with a forced e sports


Correct. Balancing 30+ heroes and thousands of potential team comps is impossible.

The best competitive experience you can have is 6-stacking.

Esports are important. The OWL needs to succeed.


Really is not about ranking up or not. Its just so we dont keep geting games like ive had the last 2 days of comp play for me were i lock heals in right away…then the rest of the team locks in nothing but dps…and just before start timer ends one of them gos tank…but instead of them gathering and using our tanks shield…nope they run around trying to solo 6 enemy players at a time…no com’s…not cordination at all…one healer to rule them all i guess…and we lose of corse…to avoid this senerio from happening every game…i would welcome 222 lock that and the balancing factor for tanks/heals/dps would be so much better and easier for bliz to do.


Well i wasnt excited about it since i knew that it will be nothing but a deranking tool.

I wrote a post yesterday that I believe addresses every issue you’ve listed.

Agreed, but the youtubers need content. They will have plenty to talk about when half the hero roster in OW drops to a 0% pickrate in all tiers thanks to 2-2-2.

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I want the youtubers to have content so OW will stay in the gaming world conversations!

Overwatch to me has just got boring after the 3 years playing. I think if 2,2,2 is a thing I’ll probably just not play at all and just go full time on WoW.


I don’t really care about SR, but 2-2-2 is by far the most preferable comp to play. I am fine if I lose SR if it means I get better games because of it, and chances are I will most of the time with 2/2/2


This tends to happen with any video game

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The critical difference between 2/2/2 and LFG is that LFG is not mandatory and 2/2/2 will be.

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These are blatant lies. Ignoring all of the fundamental problems the LFG system has had since its release and blaming its failure to the players in order to justify 2/2/2 role - lock nor getting added is simply ridiculous.

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What is ridiculous in my opinion is the level of denial players have when it comes to their personal play. 2-2-2 will not change fundamental flaws with player positioning, game sense, awareness, ult economy, tracking, aim, cool-down management, and team work.

What happens next are posts saying, “Why can a Mercy main queue as a DPS? OW is dead. Fix your broken game.”


You are certainly right in that sense, but at least 2/2/2 role - lock will be a great first step in one of the primary objectives of the game itself, which is to provide competitive integrity and the tools that are going to allow the players to master all of the skill sets you mentioned above.

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Unless i missed it or it didnt show all or ur post i did not see were u adress the issue of having a solo healer and solo tank (if any at all) and all dps on ur team? The lock 222 would fix this bad positioning is another thing yes it wont fix stupid…but at least its a start and those that dont work well or play foolishly wilk fall in rank so not a big issue there.