2-2-2 lock is a disaster and here's why [UPDATED]

Video games are not a sport. I certainly won’t accept them on the same level as other pro sports until one of their players commits a seriously heinous crime and walks because he plays for a top level team.

Game play feels boring and stale, the points OP brought up are correct, if you have a bad tank, dps or healer, you can’t change anything about it, the uniqueness of flex play that existed is gone. This feels just like matchmaking in WOW, and see how that turned out.

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Flex player, high plat here. As a tank, I should never have gold damage. Too many times have I chosen Reinhardt, and kept gold damage through out the game. I would have normally switched over to a dps, and depending on the map and enemy team comp, pick between soldier, tracer, pharah, junkrat, or just about any dps. If, as a tank, I was dying too quickly, I would simply move to a healer. Nope. No longer. I’m forced to lose while players who think they’re good at their particular role do nothing for the team. Congrats blizzard. You lost another player to give everyone a participation trophy.


as a guy who was sitting at bronze(1050) 6 months ago and finished 2300 S17 i can say that RoleQ is a big bummer for me and my brother , actually it sucks so much that my brother wont even Q with me anymore , RIP to all my fellow flex players it was a great year i already unistalled once and i think i will do it for good when my exams are over and i can focus to learn another game that is not actually a s***show

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I hope it’s joke. People play in QP for relax and practice new tactics. 4. 5. 6 dps. 4 tanks, healers attack. Forced 2-2-2 leave us only with Arcade and custom games - game modes with mutators, not a vanil game.


Nope. Here’s 2-2-2 lock launch time schedule:

This is good, you’ve committed to a role you chose to play, switching because you think you can do better can actually harm your team in a much bigger way. If you have bad teammates then find some good ones and queue up with them in ranked. Everything comes down to communication.

It’s not really, they are played but they’re not in every game not even by a long shot.

This is true, but 2-2-2 just started. There will be a lot of balance tweaks to every hero to bring them up to 2-2-2’s standards. The only thing they did is the experimental change on Brigitte, hopefully in the near future (preferably the next PTR update) we’ll see a lot of balance changes.

Good, now she should be tweaked to be a good pick, not a situational one. Tactics are still as juicy as before.

That’s not true, it only works in a different way now, you can queue for all three roles (even though you will never get DPS, but this is something Blizzard should address) this is still flexing. Flexing within a game only caused more thrown games and made people quit. Communication is the key, but sometimes angry people take a passive-aggressive stance towards the team and swap from Rein to Genji and throw the whole game. This is why I would take 2-2-2 instead of flexing.

Not really, if the players one trick it’s not 2-2-2’s fault. Yet again, there are a lot of heroes within one role. Hopefully we’ll get a lot of tanks/supports in the future.

I’m not saying that 2-2-2 doesn’t have it’s flaws, but in every single aspect it’s a better system then what we had :

  • Passive-aggresive switching and crumbling the whole team comp.
  • 5 DPS
  • Team comps without DPS who make the game very hard to balance.
  • Much much easier to balance.

To be hones I have to update this point soo badly. Because it’s seems like we will stuck in double shield meta for a very long time (imo double shield is waaaaay worse than GOATS).

*Looking on weird Symmetra nerf on PTR
Yeah. I guess so

Symmetra nerfs are justified since the beam changes made her extremely good. Now I do think she needs to deal serious damage once she hits her level 3 charge but let’s hope Blizzard introduces more power elsewhere in her kit since they don’t like what they see on live.

It’s too early to tell anything. Sigma will get nerfed, there’s no denying that. A lot of DPS need to be tweaked to deal with barriers, etc…

We’ll see, but I’m just saying it’s too early to judge.

Say RoleQ is bad because… lists all the problems the games always had without RoleQ. What a meme.

Totally agree that 2-2-2 is terrible. Just because someone is good as reaper or junkrat, doesn’t mean they are good at hitscan for the pharoh. And being locked in, not able to make a change makes the match just seem useless. I hope they remove it as 2-2-2 is removing a large part of the fun out of the game.


After losing every match as a tank or a support, the only thing that came to my Mind was ‘I could be a better dps than him’ and dps queue is as long as the wall of china so I think its time to move on from Overwatch. Sorry guys, But now OW sucks :sweat:

:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: You have created a storm forcing 222 in Quick Play!
Don’t force people into a category! Not worth waiting 5-15 minutes then get stuck with double snipers as dps and people who can’t heal. Then you get penalized for leaving what is supposed to be a “FUN” game mode. Give us choices… There are people who want 222 so give them that option, let everyone else play normal Quick Play.


#GU355 Exactly my point … Supports can’t do much. Tanks are somewhat bounded and dps as usual sucks… They play to kill. This game was never “PLAY TO KILL”. :roll_eyes:

CAN’T SWITCH is pretty much new 2-2-2 lock problem.

Without role lock i had whole roster to play (31 heroes). Now it’s 8 tanks and 7 supports vs 16 DPS…

Do I really need to explain you that?

As you can see role queue brought so many NEW problems and not so many problem solutions.


No, you got it wrong Blizzard. I think Role Queue in Comp was fine for all the reasons you stated. However, QP was used by myself and others as a low-pressure way of playing and trying out different strategies / comps ON THE FLY. I relished in occasionally STOMPING the other team, sometimes I got STOMPED. Sometimes it was close. But you seem to think that every match MUST be an overtime, perfectly matched SR affair. So what if folks get angry that their team was not perfectly matched and they got rolled? That was actually part of the fun and allure, what kept me coming back for more. Why do you feel you need to create a zero-salt environment for everyone? That’s not human nature. Even in your forced 2-2-2 modes, we will still blame the DPS when the other team isn’t taking damage, we will still blame the healers when the tanks are getting crushed. At least before we could switch out on the fly to help the imbalance and pull out a win. I propose you implement a form of ‘Classic’ quick-play along side ‘New’ quick-play and just sit back for another Beta season. Watch what your user base does when they have a choice, and you will have satisfied everyone by having choice metrics to fall back on.

it’s funny the balancing got far worse after they limited the options since they didn’t bother with a MAJOR balance patch. i guess their idea of fun is shooting barriers/instakilling people with a melee character

Matchmaking will never be perfect, simply because people aren’t robots. Yet Blizzard keeps pushing on, like it is perfect, while removing options for players to “cheat the system” and get win, even when odds clearly were against them, according to matchmaker data.

Or, in other words, you come across games, that seem to be designed for you to lose, and Blizzard tries to make sure, that it will be defeat and not victory.

I mean…that’s not necessarily true. This is a team game and some people don’t belong where they are because they’ve either got luck streaks or have been carried by friends. You can’t say the whole team sucks if let’s say a Moira keeps dpsing letting her team die

I have just been in groups where no one ever switches. I was in one game where there was a Widowmaker that was sniping everyone, I had queued as heals so I was stuck with that, our dps was a Pharah (who would always get sniped) and a Torb. No shield tanks (Roadhog and Hammond). Basically me and the other healer had our work cut out for us. It would have been great to be able to switch momentarily during our many deaths to say a Winston to get rid of Widow because our tanks had a one track mind and refused to switch. It just feels like the 2-2-2 forces everyone to conform to their own preference rather than a team or group. (Simply an example) Like if I choose Lucio and my friend chooses Baptiste, there probably wont be a Pharah picked, even if we needed a Pharah to counter, so a Tracer switches to Pharah and is sniped out of the sky every time, so that hero is out of the equation, because we healers don’t want to switch. I’ve seen videos where people were getting picked off by an enemy so the Mercy switched to Widow for 2 seconds and killed the enemy hero (think it was Pharah) and then switched back to Mercy. They were then able to capture the point and hold it. I like that sort of decision making, you see a problem that no one else is dealing with so you take care of it yourself. Basically I just wish that we were given more choice like we had before. I understand they wanted to get rid of GOATS but now the group comps are just going to be so similar and frustrating for people who want try to win but are forced to leave their lives in their teammates hands who get tunnel vision and aren’t team oriented.

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