2-2-2 Ended it all

the only pressure involved is the pressure involved in every decision making process made by humans

in this case:

should I choose to play the character that is the most fun for me?

should I choose to play the character that I believe maximizes my chance of a win?

both choices are available

neither choice is forced

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The OWL could’ve done things differently (like forcing teams to put in players for the comp they want to run for that map… Like three tank players and three support players for map A… If the team has the players for it that is)
But the ladder still needed something to reduce odd comps from being used (but that’ll be hard to do cause I don’t have an idea)


"It all began in '94.
Kept on rollin’ in '95.
The pieces were in place in '96, and it came to an end in '97.
But now it comes, and here we go.
KOF is here again.
Nothing’s gonna stop it 'cause it’s 1998!"

Yea… pressured is a better way of putting it

self-imposed pressure is fully accurate


Yea… fair enough
But players who feel the need to apply more pressure (just saying)

Requiring me to provide evidence of my profession is very much insinuating that i am a liar. If you did not think i was a liar, you would not require said evidence. As such, i request you cease your insinuations that i am a liar.

As you know, one must never give out personal information on internet forums. Requesting such data with this knowledge is also asking me to open myself up to direct harm to my person. As such, please cease such unreasonable requests with intent inflict personal harm on me. As such, i have marked your post as a personal threat.

That said, if you actually cared to quiz me about my profession we could easily clear this up. Given the high level of expertise i say i have, it would be an easy job to trip me up.

I note that you failed yet again to answer my questions:

  • The devs have a clear vision. They dictate what will happen in the game driven by capitalistic pressures. If you, a single person, disagree with that vision and wish them to go against a huge mass of empirical data from various customers they use to make their decisions, why would they do what you want?
  • Please show your evidence that a 5dps team is factually “not bad”? The ability to not always lose with 5dps does not make them “not bad”.
  • Why do you think OWL dictates what the devs do?

It is a perfectly reasonable request in response to the claim made.

Asking for evidence is not an insinuation of anything.

I feel it is reasonable to request such evidence when the claim is made as if it gives one authority on any game design related subject.

How does the provision of such evidence do this? Seems like quite an exaggeration.

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Maining a hero in no way makes you an expert in game design, get a grip.

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Same way as no one forces you to play role-q.
And you still wanted it removed because you don’t like it.

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Funny how that works

I would note that we were in fact forced for a year into Role-Q which to me suggests it is not out of the question that such a situation may repeat itself in the future.


What did force you to play Role-Q for a year?
Did they remove all other game modes for a year ?

There was no competitive open queue at all for almost a year.

As such if you wanted to play the game in the competitive mode you were unable to do so unless you played role queue.

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So the same way as if you want to play competive in Open-Q that you get forced to play tank ? Like in this example ?


I reached top 500 exclusively playing a damage dealer in every single game in multiple seasons and as such I do not believe the above statement is true.

Unless you are being hardcore disingenuous here, its not hard to distinguish there is a very clear difference between:

  • I “feel” that if we dont have a tank we are going to lose this match and since no one is doing it I feel “forced” to switch to tank myself.
  • I literally can’t play anything else beside RQ if I want to play competitive. Choices are either play or dont.

Ironically, the only thing that FORCES you into 1 role and you CANT do anything else, is Role Queue. So it was done to avoid that “self imposed pressure” and to prevent having people asking you to switch roles, because in RQ its literally impossible (therefore no one would ask you to it).


Okay I am happy for you. But a lot of flex/tank mains are no longer in the game.
Or they would Open-Q as a premade to run a Goat team.
Are you really want a match where 3 - 4 dps run against a team with 2 - 3 tank and 2 - 3 healer ?

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A damage heavy composition is actually quite strong against a sustain type of composition. In fact the Shanghai dragons used it in in Stage 3 OWL season 2 to beat I believe it was the San Francisco shock who were playing 3-3.

I have also beaten 3-3 with similar airborne compositions. Giving how strong Pharah/Echo/Mercy are right now I have no doubt that such a composition is even stronger at this time.

Okay why we argument than you fine with open-q how it is and it is still in the game.
And you can now play even completive open-q.
So what it exactly the problem that people enjoy different game modes ?
Why do people want something removed that other like ?