2/2/2 and Role SR?

If we get 2/2/2, could we also get 3 different SRs based on our role? Basically you could be a GM as a DPS, Bronze as a Support and Plat as a Tank?

Bacause honestly that sounds pretty nice :smiley:


People will smurf so hard.
I’d definitely smurf as Zarya or Hog if SR was based on roles.

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Oh yeah, it’ll be wild in the first few months, but I believe it will improve over time. Blizzard just needs to finally do something with Comp at least… :sweat_smile:

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How would that work? Would you not be able to switch roles / be flexible mid-game?

Exactly, you can only switch between your own role. The only thing that is kinda an issue is the lack of Supports/Tanks in this game, but we should get more of them later.


I like role specific SR because it would let me play others roles that I know I can’t play at my rank.


I’d rather have at least one of each role required, but not 2-2-2 lock. Playing stuff like 4-1-1, 3-2-1, or 3-3 can be fun sometimes.

That could work too and allow some more freedom but that’s up to Blizzard to decide. The important thing here is, that they at least do something to improve Comp :smiley:


They need to give us 2-2-2. I don’t care about those that don’t want it, nor do they care about us who want it. Give each group its own, stick a label on it with SR to make it competitive and be done with it. I don’t care about fracturing the community, because competitive is a joke, and the only fun to be had in this game is smurfing atm.


I want optional 2AnyHero-2Tank-2Heal, matchmakered against 6AnyHero, with the capability to unlock the role queue with 4 votes.

And with AccountMerging instead of RoleBasedSR.

Elaborate on what you mean by account merging? Why would I want to do that assuming it’s not from one platform to another…

Also, running forced 2-2-2 against regular teams puts you at a marked disadvantage for not being able to swap. 2-2-2 needs to be played against 2-2-2 to be fair.

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Nice if you’re a selfish one trick. Nothing could be more anti switching and anti teamwork.

another thread on 2’s, wow, do people feel the need to just create a separate thread, on the same topic, so they can be on top and people will look at their post.
Instead of putting their opinions in the many threads out there on the same topic.

My theory is that they believe Blizzard will change their mind if they cry long enough. They believe that because there is a MASSIVE precedent for it. The only time it failed was regarding Mercy which is really weird considering she was the most popular hero. That is why the word incompetence gets thrown around a lot of you ask me.

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I start to think that forced 222 won’t be a thing.
A lot of people don’t like the idea, it requires high effort to be implemented and they are not talking about it anymore.

Just my impression.

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I used to be worried about it myself, but it is blatantly obvious they are backing down. So I ain’t even tripping anymore. I just enjoy reading the desperation.

Because it has all the benefits of RoleBasedSR, and more.

✅ [Account Merging] Better than RoleBasedSR

But still allows for role switching, mid-game.

You can’t have 3-3 with 1-1-1 +3

Good point. There’s another reason I wouldn’t want it added.

This is confirmed to happen tho. Jeff confirmed it. I’m pretty sure everyone knows…