15 character title xd

Just so happens that this piece of content is so large that they are unable to do that :man_shrugging:


how is releasing for example one map right now larger than releasing one map in the past
same applies to all the other pieces of content

where are the promised horizon and paris reworks???


Yeah and still we all come back to the game after a so called OW killer. Like Valorant for example.

Admit it, even with all the errors you point out (And some are somewhat valid points might i add) The game is still better then 90% of the FPS games out there, at least for me.

  • CoD Warzone, i played it for 1 month and got bored
  • Valorant, had the potentional, but is just boring in the end, 1 month and got bored
  • CoD blackout, same as Warzone
  • Paladins, rip-off and died out, OW is still here.
    And there might be more games, but i cant remember them.

Releasing upwards of ten maps at the same time is larger than releasing one. I figured that was obvious.


10 maps? where have you heard that?

also thatā€™s just the maps that shouldā€™ve been released over the period theyā€™ve been inactive piling up.


Jeff confirmed minimum 8 maps for non-Push modes, and multiple Push maps are obviously gonna happen. That adds up to minimum 10.

Iā€™m not gonna do the maths, but I seriously doubt that.

Not to mention, are you really gonna claim holding off individual releases to do one big release is them ā€œabandoning the gameā€? :smile:
Okay, sure. You do you bud, agree to disagree.


Valorant is nothing like Overwatch

There is no competition for Overwatchā€¦ Paladins is the only game that somewhat compares to Overwatch on the market but its technical side is just so unstableā€¦

Paladins was first, actually

yes I am

because they literally abandoned this game


Paladins was not first bro, it is 100% a rip-off.

I know Valorant aint nothing like OW. Thats not my point, people were calling it a OW killer.

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Uh huh. Abandoning while also working on new content for it :smile:

As I said, agree to disagree.


Iā€™d rather play 20 more years in cs 1.6 bc of no updates and game consistency in that term. Ow is the game that becomes something else after only 4 years.


Ppl allways forgot GOATS was just the counter to double sniperā€¦


And then they have OW2 with little new content and there you would be on the forums complaining what a waste of money it was because most of the content was already in OW1? Come on - of course they have to hold back all the content for OW2 to make it a big thing. Thatā€™s how game sequels work. How much have you paid to play the game since you bought it how long ago? Get it in a deal for $30 perhaps and then play it for 4 years and complain that you are not getting new content so itā€™s not worth the $30 you spend 4 years ago (or however long)? This is a free-to-play game (so you can spend money if you want) so how can you complain they are not spending $m on new content?

Iā€™d much rather they wait for OW2 and make it mostly new content and more interesting than trickle out the OW2 content into OW1 and have little to show in OW2.

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Introduce 2-2-2 role lock, and do absolutely nothing for an entire year to make offtanks and main tanks equivalent. When doubleshield inevitably dominates, still refuse to do this with the offtanks, instead choosing to kill them even further by nerfing shields and making maintanks into better offtanks, leaving zero role for offtanks in the game other than zarya due to her synergy.


How to be good forum troll

  • post topic like this
  • repeat every few days

Wether you like the skins or not itā€™s still new content.

They could have just stopped adding to overwatch completely by now. Itā€™s not like anyone hasnt got their moneyā€™s worth.


why did you call me out like that?

  • Donā€™t listen to players opinions about character changes :white_check_mark:
  • donā€™t do another balance for OWL, so some characters become boring trash on ladder :white_check_mark:

That is true for the first 2 years. The last 2 years there is nothing new with events.
New maps are awful and a fail and new heroes didnā€™t benefit the game. Example: brig disaster.

True words.
Like, if they could at least keep us updated every now and then about OW2, maybe the community would be more happy and less players would leave.

Instead, theyā€™ve gone completely and utterly radio silent for the past 8 months, no word about OW2, no word about their future plans, and they expect people to stay and play their game? to hell with all of this nonsense man.


I donā€™t really think they do, because once OW2 is out it wonā€™t matter how many people leave.

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