15-20 Minute Queues on DPS... In Plat

You brought it up, it’s been the case in nearly all ranks that Symmetra doesn’t perform as well as other heroes, these buffs are nice, those little twitch highlights that you see of them making a big play with the tele are nice, but she just doesn’t see consistent success against these compositions. I’ll see your immediate defensive response of “respond to a question with a question”, and end this conversation here.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Tell me one dps wich performs as good as Sym vs Orisa/Sigma pls.

They could do that, and as I’ve stated I’ve played my fair share of support and tank just so I can at least play the game for some time, but short of taking Doomfist and Widowmaker and putting them in the tank/support category, it won’t be enough for me personally to want to play tank/support more.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Few if any, because Orisa shuts down most dps heroes just by existing, and requires lots of focus fire and a shield or two to kill.

Dont blame Orisas power onto Symmetra

So do you just prefer DPS in general and not have an opinion an tanking other than it’s not DPS?

It’s more to do with the heroes that I enjoy playing as. They happen to be DPS.

My favorite tank is a toss up between Sigma and Winston.

My favorite Support is a toss up between Ana and Zenyatta.

My favorite heroes, however, are Widowmaker, McCree, and Doomfist.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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Sometimes you might have to actually pick another class. DPS queue times are going to be long because the vast majority of this game mains DPS, a fair few main healer and not many main tank. Maybe you could take this opportunity to learn a tank you haven’t played much, that’s always a good idea.

I played my share of tanks, and currently I cant play Ball, because if that pick doesnt work out, im stuck playing a tank I wouldnt touch with a stick before role queue.

Do you have a source for this?

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

Hmmm, do you have any suggestions that might entice one such as yourself to tank?

I have the people I play with. I have a lot of friends who play this game, I’d say 70% are DPS mains, 25% are healer mains and 5% are tank mains. Also with my over 1000 hours in this game, which is just a bit of time, I’ve played with many people. The definite majority are DPS mains, I don’t think there’s a single person who could reasonably deny it’s the most popular role, at times I run into a lot of support mains, at times, not so much, tank was reasonably popular until a year or so ago, which doesn’t surprise me. I’d say the heroes I see the most are Genji, Genji, Doomfist, Widow, Genji, Ana, and Hanzo.

Yeah, this is one of my many problems with Role Lock/Q
If your tanks are a Zarya main and an Orisa main, someone is going to have to fill.

Another ranged Tank like Orisa, doesn’t have to have a shield, I just want to be able to be on tank and have shooting be my primary way of dealing damage, compared to other heroes who’s ranged primary attack serves as their secondary way of dealing damage (the likes of Wrecking Ball and Sigma come to mind. Both have the capability to deal damage at range, but that’s not their overall forte).
That, and maybe a more mobile version of Reinhardt, similar to Terminus from Paladins, I really like that kind of tank playstyle.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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I think that can fit under the category of adding interesting tanks.

If by “more mobile” you mean “can move without the aid of CC” than I’m all for it.

You play on Xbox, right? I don’t think the active population on that platform is very large to begin with. Depending on your region and the time of day you play, it could explain the wait you are experiencing.

I’m on PS4, and talking with friends who DPS main in plat, their solo queue wait is 3 minutes top during prime time. Queue is instantaneous if you group with a tank or support.

Look up Terminus play on Paladins, basically that, he’s pretty fun.
swings like Reinhardt.
Has Sigma’s Kinetic grasp. The damage absorbed from the grasp boosts his projectile power.
can resurrect as his ultimate.

My queue times before Role queue were nearly instant, with times late at night dropping to a whopping 2 minutes.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I personally like Rein’s kit as it is. The thing I don’t like is how vulnerable to CC he is.

Hmm. Not sure what the issue is then. Queue times have dropped for me, and I usually play in a stack of 3 to 6. Queue times for 6 stacks in prime time are under 30 seconds, which is insane.

Could it be that people respond to


Meaning, you might be avoided by a lot of players … :man_shrugging:

You’re right, the first thing that every single person that sees me on LFG says “Hey, you’re that guy on the forums with the Signature, no I don’t want to play with you!
Lesson learned.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,