15-20 Minute Queues on DPS... In Plat

Well, there are only so many reasons to get much longer queues than other people …

  1. you’re avoided by number of players in your rank
  2. you’re playing on server that is really far away from you
  3. you’re playing at times when most of the players sleep(in server time zone) or demand for dps is much higher(dps peak)

That’s about it …

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

To be clear, you’re playing on console?


Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I have a feeling 2-2-2 screwed you guys more than PC. That sucks man.

Dude lmao, Terminus would get nerfed so fast in OW, well…Khan and Atlas would, but People would get so mad at Terminus ult.

Come on, it’s not that bad :wink:

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I’d be all for it, but after seeing how the community treats Tanks and Supports, Terminus would be a shell of himself in no time.

I Don’t think it’s right to judge how the devs treat the tanks before to how they will now with 2-2-2. I think they’ll receive a lot more love in the rest of the year.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I find this hard to believe, I play in low Diamond and my que’s are about 6 to 7 minutes average, and I put emphasis on average beacuse I sometimes get matches in a minute or two due to the randomness of it all, so in general it feels alright. Also, the devs already confirmed that the ques are not as long as you say other than high levels, which you are not.

It’s just the old saying, “jack of all trades, master of none, but often times better than a master of 1”. Meaning it’s nice to have a specialist for certain tasks, but someone more variable brings more value a lot of the time.

Though from a peek at your profile you don’t seem to be, just a person who prefers Widow. (though a peek at your signature, would lead me to believe you are at the same time haha.)


yeah… for some people that isn’t so easy.

Signature’s for people who just tell me “Widow switch”, just because they don’t like her, or for any unconstructive reason. Recommend me a different hero, but no, all I hear is “(spits), Well, Widow ain’t workin’ (spits again)

I have no way of proving this to you without going through more effort than it’s worth, so it’s best to take my word for it, otherwise we’re at an impasse here.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I can think of two situations here. Either it’s an unintended effect of a new system that is being worked on, and because of that some people will indeed suffer from longer ques than intended or you are against role que and lying. I’ve seen so many anti role que posts making up lies that is difficult for me not to be suspicious. However, in case you are actually telling the truth, you should know that that is not intended and it will get fixed.

A lot of people dislike WIdow, maybe you are getting avoided and that is raising you que times. I don’t know if this is the case but it COULD be.

It was the whole reason I dropped maining Lucio for Widowmaker during Season 1. People hated Widowmaker on the enemy team, and they hated seeing her on their team, it was interesting, so I picked her up and fell in love.

Back on topic, since we keep going here:

I’ll conclude with this:

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

I see that you ignored what I said about it potentially being an unintended effect of a new system that is being worked on and will get fixed. Because of that I get the feeling you are not being as objetive as you should about the matter, and focus only on the negatives.

How would you fix it though? More people wanting to play a role = more people in a queue = longer queue times. It’s just the way it works, I honestly don’t see how you can fix it.

A new tank was just added and Tank Q is not backed up in matchmaking time. It’s a solution that would last a week tops.

Not to mention this presumes DPS players play DPS because ‘variety’, as if their gameplay within their own role was diverse.

I know it is better but that obviously depends on which hero you are one tricking.

dps is just too popular so it will be the longest que.

There must be some flex/tank/healer players trying to get their chance at playing dps as well increasing it further.