144hz monitor in Overwatch

If you want to be respected as someone who has earned your rank then do not get 144 Hz Monitor It is too great an advantage

Yep. Single best upgrade you can get other than gpu.

I paid close to $600 for a 1440p 144hz monitor that supports freesync premium plus for my amd gpu and HDR for my aaa title games and movies. The challenge to getting a cheaper monitor is getting the freesync (or gsync) AND the hdr at the same time while paying the lowest price. If you don’t care about color or quality, get the cheapest 1080p ips display you can get.

I paid a little over that for my MG278q with freesync.

I got the CHg70. It is the cheapest monitor with hdr (hdr600) and freesync premium pro that supports 144hz and 1ms response. I highly recommend it as the baseline for amd gpu’s and the cost of a monitor should only go up from here.

The MG278q is a great monitor for Nvidia gpu’s but not the latest amd. My only beef with it is it doesn’t have HDR but the price is high enough that it definitely should (not sure of if you can use HDR and Gsync at the same time).

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144Hz over 60hz monitor is some extra comfort during any gameplay. Will that help you to aim better? Not by much. But, even though, i’d never come back to 60hz.

144hz is a bigger leap from 60hz than 240hz is from 144. It is definitely worth it and they are getting cheaper. If you have a beefy computer than go for a 240hz if you want. They are a lot more expensive and it requires your PC to be able to pump out the frames needed. It might work for Overwatch but if you play other games it might be an unnecessary investment.

It looks much better than 60, tho I don’t think it will make you suddenly gain a bunch of sr.

Absolutely worth it. Night and day difference.

Makes it noticeably easier to keep track of what’s going on in a hectic fight in OW.

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I was like you and read posts here prior to pulling the trigger. Then I saw it lived up to the hype. Bought my father the same monitor and a coworker got one too after hearing me out.

144hz is noticeable immediately even windows when moving your cursor or dragging windows around.

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I got me a 165 hz monitor for under 2 hundo, only 1080p but my 4k upgrade isn’t happening for at least a year so I figured why not?

Dude, I was BLOWN AWAY. It makes a huge difference. It’s like opening your eyes for the first time. You won’t regret it.

Youve never seen the soap opera effect on tvs at 120 hrtz? I find that hard to believe

I’ll be honest, there are a lot of movies out there that are not the same on higher refresh

Thats definitively true. CG suffers and sticks out like a sore thumb on higher refresh

It’s worth it for all gaming in general

Be warned though, it’s not guaranteed to help you climb any better though. Higher refresh rates don’t help your own personal reaction speeds.

You shouldn’t notice a difference when it comes to moves. A movie filed at 24, 29 or 30fps will look the same on a 30, 60 or 144Hz screen.

You might be thinking of the “Soap Opera Effect” which is software build into many TVs today that try to help improve lower FPS movies and smooth them out. This should be disabled in all TVs as it’s pure crap and makes movies worse.


240hz is a lot more money, like 2x the price of 144hz. At the current price point, you would want to futureproof, which means 2nd gen, ips, low input lag. Most budget 240hz don’t have that = not worth.

Overwatch specific reasons:

  • Game is nearly ded so probably not worth it to upgrade just for OW.
  • Ageing out of aim-intensive FPS/esports titles = reaction time bottleneck.
  • Game has more projectile and non-hitscan/tracking gameplay, meaning 240hz has less of an impact.
  • Engine polish: Anything less than top hardware will drop framerate while streaming teamfights, buffers and smoothers will add input lag. You want those off, so you’re probably going to see <240 fps fairly often.

For projectiles: bump off an FPS-cap of 250fps, discard a few unused frames, and achieve a 2:1 hardware interp at the monitor level (144hz). Lowest input lag, smooth enough (for everything but top hitscan mains), and affordable.

Feels the same to me

It’s worth it, but you have to make sure your rig can handle the output in order to get the benefits.

In my case, I had to build an entire new one because mine was 2-3 generations old, and it would overheat too much and bottleneck yada yada yada

Yeaaaaahhhhh if your current One is 1360 rés the game Will have to handle the 35-50 FPS loss once you go 1900