12min+ queue as DPS

Not in ASIA.

Just look at T500 - 3001 diamond is your tank cutoff. That means 500 tank players (most repeat alt accnts anyway) are representing 15% of your 222. Meanwhile OPEN KR (where they know gaming and open is serious), cutoff is 3700+. Both examples also show reasons why the ladder needs a reset, btw. When T500 (which includes many alts) pushes down into diamond you have some issues.

NOmegalul… As much as you like to be the peoples champion for everything “Evil MM” and “2/2/2 sucks,” you still haven’t managed to climb out of silver. Why should YOU be allowed to flex between multiple roles when you don’t even understand one of them enough to perform at the average level of 2250 SR?

Yes… Again… For the 1,000,000th time… OQ is how Overwatch was designed and is the way the game should be played…

NO… I WILL NEVER go back to OQ because too many unqualified “casual” players auto lock heroes they shouldn’t be playing and are incapable of realizing when its time to switch, or they simply don’t want to switch (and thats fine).

2-2-2 handicaps your ability to compensate for bad tank/dps/support play, but also limits the amount of control the enemy team can have over the game.

Also, the quality of matches I’ve gotten since 2-2-2 has always been higher than the OQ matches I got. My queue times for DPS are between 3-10 minutes without priority pass and with priority pass its pretty much the same (across 2 other accounts).

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game has come full circle.
used to be problem was everybody deathmatching dpsing but at least you could hard carry your way to a rank where teamwork matters and ensure everyone high elo has good aim and fast reactions.

now we have role q where everyone low elo is still trying to dps deathmatch but now tanks and healers cant carry games so its just down rng of which teams has the thrower dps which means too many unskilled players get boosted to high rank where they ruin games.

no one wants to play tank support and get gatekept by potato aim dps.

may as well get rid of 222 and just accept low ranks will always be trash and let the players with good aim, fast reactions and good game sense go onto higher ranks where teamwork matters and you can rely on teammates skill.

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The obvious thing that will happen is that DPS will just que for those 2 slots that can switch, but they will always play DPS. So, you’re going to get games where every team is 141… That sounds like a worse version of open que.

You can play Open Queue, I prefer Role Queue =]


Not at all. role que just exposed how bad players in the lower ranks were, open que let people get away with throw away comps and pics because they were able to mask their ineptitude.