11 minute queue for dps... crazy

uh lol i didnt expect it to be this long

crazy huh?

i am sure in the future people will get tired of it. first day first hour i could see this with maybe even a new tank hero

edit: now reaching 7 minutes lol

edit 2: now at 8 and a half minutes…

edit 3: took 11 minutes and 15 seconds

Crank out a set or two of weights while you wait. Pretty soon you’ll have arms more ripped than Brigitte.


Was a 5 minute queue just to get into the practice range. :skull:


Back in my day, 11 minutes was a standard queue time for DPS.



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its because the cosmetics team nerfed tanks really hard and now no one wants to queue as tank

when i was on it was 5 minutes but i might wait till venture is gone before touching DPS again…the servers clearly cant handle the load

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No, it’s because they are giving a free trial of the new dps hero and everyone wants to play her. DPS queues are always the most full, but right now it’s crazy lopsided because of Venture. Give it a day or two and everything will be back to normal.

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