100% forced losing streaks

Arresting your mobility doesn’t have to be symmetric. The algs can give you a 90% forced win every 7 losses or so, so you don’t hurt yourself from a bad streak. Meanwhile, they can give you a 90% forced loss every 4-5 matches to keep you grinding, feeling engaged and progressing - without shortcutting the top spots from the established and whitelisted streamers.

I mean have you watched their content? That top % gameplay is so spoonfed, half the time I wonder if it’s my <500 matches re-streamed with different names/accounts.

According to the patents, there are 3 levels of rigging. One is mid-match, letting hanzos and the like suddenly pop-off with a 4k so they entertain and feel entertained. The other is at the match-level, forcing 50/50 outcomes. The final one is at the ladder level, arresting rapid mobility.


Ranked competitive overwatch.

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It may not be forced “losing” streaks. But sometimes I do wonder that yes, the game will put u in a situation where it thinks you only have a 40% chance at winning. But no1 said “how many times” in a row will you be put in a 40% winning state.

So you may have a “streak” of 40%'ers and of course nothing is a “guaranteed” loss, but Casinos still make money.



Of course you have an excuse for everything just like flat earthers and their “lightbulb sun”



Forced loss streaks = You playing on tilt and being too stubborn to take a break (AKA yourself forcing losses)

Stay hydrated :potable_water: :tea: :sparkles:


Does beer count?

You are wrong, ranked competitive Overwatch is handicapped with Match Making Rating. What else do you think MMR is for?


I think you are wrong and there is no handicapping, MMR is used to create balanced teams, thats not handicapping. If you are placed in match as 2500 player, you are expected to provide value as 2500 player, if you are placed as 1500 player in gold match, you are still expected to provide value as 1500 player. Sometimes you will be worst MMR player on team, sometimes the best. Avegare in majority of games.

But anyway, lets end our discussion here. We already discussed this several times and we are not going anywhere with this.

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MMR forces by literal definition a rigging and handicapping. All your games are rigged, so why bother about anything else? There is no real contest, competition, or result when everything about the game is a rigged sham.


defn: rigged; rigging; to rig;

  1. to manipulate or control usually by deceptive or dishonest means. e.g. to rig and election or rig an overwatch match or rig an esport.
  2. to fix in advance for a desired result. e.g. to rig the contest, to rig the match towards a 50/50 outcome.

defn: handicapped; handicapping; to handicap;

  1. A race or contest in which an artificial advantage is given or disadvantage imposed on a contestant to equalize chances of winning. Usually in the form of points, strokes, weight to be carried, or distance from the target/goal.

  2. An offset for the sake of balance, that makes achievement unusually difficult or easy.

Personally, I like my video games non-rigged and without handicapping.
But I like educating the unaware even more - so I’ll keep playing, and preaching the truth.


I am not interested anymore unless you provide evidence for it.

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The following thread has several references.


Also note the following patents (and several others) are classified as ip_active (meaning they are in-use across ATVI products/services, not just intellectual property on reserve):

US20200114268A1, US20160001186A1, US10857468B2


We already talked about this, I already explained to you that there is mo mentioning about stuff you talk about in the topic about matchmaking from Kuwa…

And the patents dont have “Overwatch” mentioned there anywhere. So for the last time, its not evidence, if you believe it, fine. I dont so I am not interested in it.

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This isn’t about you. It’s about the community at large. They deserve to know the truth about the game they “compete” in. It’s rigged, it’s handicapped, and you not believing that - even outright refusing to grasp the very basic definitions of rigging/handicapping - isn’t going to change the facts.


climbing proves nothing in this regard Zax. Other than that you climb.

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How could anyone climb in system where games are rigged and you are handicapped?


The matchmaker doesn’t decide the outcome, it arranges a match with a rigged chance of winning (50%). You’ve asked before and I gave the same answer then.
Rigging doesn’t have to be “for winning or losing”, tho the MM does this too when it fails to account for new players lack of skills in placements.

The answer is yes btw.


I think you are wrong and there is no handicapping, MMR is used to create balanced teams, thats not handicapping

It struggles to balance team vs team. At lower ranks it mostly wack, but within teams it’s outright awful. Handicapping is within the team. Check your relative rank next time you have a loosing streak after a winning streak. Top-outlier every single match going down, but not up. I guarantee.

Funny you should bring this up. I have experienced forced win streaks before. I also have saved evidence.

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Maybe Blizzard thinks the game is balanced when you stomp one game and get stomped the next. GG Blizzard - I don’t see how this strat can possibly lead to money as it is infuriating, but I’m not a moneyishiounist so what do I know…


50% chance for winning is rigged chance lol? How much would you like? 70% so it would be actualy rigged? What you say makes no sense dude :slight_smile:

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