10 Seasons of OW Competitive as a Platinum

And I finally hit Diamond. I can not believe it. May not be a huge accomplishment for some of you but holy crap I was so excited. They did have a leaver but still, it’s unbelievable.

Raw Reaction: I finally did it - YouTube


congrats!! :smiley: good to see people enthusiastic about the game rather than the usual forum complaining. :sweat_smile: nice work!!


Thank you! I still can’t believe it. Placed my all time highest at 1987 and said screw it, might as well go for Diamond. I’m very thankful for the game not matter how annoyed and critical I get.


Trust me, it’s even worse up there. In plat, everyone’s a toxic meta slave. In diamond, everyone’s a toxic one-trick who thinks they’re the best at X hero.

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Haven’t run in to much toxicity anymore, seems to be getting better

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I mean, you’re right, but let’s let him enjoy his moment, yeah?

Edit: Congrats, btw, Mirror. Happy for you, keep doing your best. :slight_smile:


there are a lot of gastons, yeah, but at least diamonds are a lot more team-based and tend to understand synergies a bit more.

I hit diamond two times alredy, fell out of it quick, good lack being diamond next season, it never works for me but mayby you will stay at this rank :slight_smile:

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good job.
when i said im happy about getting GM on my dps account,
everyone replied with sarcastic “okay and”'s

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Congrats! Fingers crossed you climb even higher.


Thank you! I’ll probably fall out but at least I hit it

Some people aren’t very nice, getting to GM on a role you don’t normally play isn’t easy, but if you do it once you it’s a bit easier

I’m 100% sure I’m not good enough to hit masters, but I could get lucky

Nice. I made it there and then I got this same widowonetrick every other game and fell with them. So take it form me: Stop playing if you get paired with the same people more than twice.


Congratulations! It may not feel like it, but you’re in the top 14% of the competitive playerbase! That’s awesome! Here’s to Masters! :beers:

Dw man it gets wayy better in diamond

Next goal? Master. You gotta go for it


Catch me in OWL after 30 more comp seasons when I hit Top 500


Fun Fact: Being Top 500 doesn’t mean you are good enough for OWL

Trust me, dont tilt, relax. And from there your games will get better. They have for me at least as I can recall having problems getting from around 2800 to 3000 it was quite a grind. Now it feels like its getting better and better with teammates. Congrats my friend ! :smiley:

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Congrats! I hope to get there someday.

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Awesome, unfortunately, you’ll probably hit 2900 a couple times before you hit 3100 so don’t get discouraged when you fall. It’s just part of climbing

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