10. Reasons You're Stuck In Bronze (That Are Not True)

1. Leavers
Enemy team has them too.

2. Throwers
Enemy team has them too.

3. Bad Team Mates
Enemy team has them too.

4. Toxic Team Mates
Enemy team has them too.

5. Smurfs
You’ve won games because of them too.

6. Failure to Communicate
Communication is inherently good and I’d never discourage it, but it’s not the reason you’re stuck in Bronze. The majority of players in Silver and Gold don’t have mics either and they’re not stuck in Bronze. I’ve played several games in Plat before in which I was the only person with a mic.

7. Awful Aiming Skills
Maybe you are a really wise player with grandma-like mouse-aiming but I doubt most players are in Bronze by poor aiming alone (unless sensitivity settings are way off). If this were the case, you would’ve ranked up to Silver with Moira, Winston and Junkrat. There are likely game-sense problems you can change.

8. Matchmaking
You are in the same matchmaking system as the players who were in Bronze and go out.

9. Lack of Pro Play Knowledge
You don’t need to know any wallriding or cancelling tricks to escape Bronze. There are probably far more pressing problems affecting your SR.

10. Having to play as a 3rd DPS to salvage your team.

If you are truly above your rank, there’s no reason you can’t have a high win rate with a non-DPS hero. If two of your team mates are autolocking DPS and you can’t win consistently with anything that isn’t a DPS, maybe you are in ELO Hell due to having a very limited hero pool. I’ve probably carried more games in Bronze as DVa than any of the DPS heroes. Of course, I can understand Mercy being a handicap, but several supports can carry if you’re truly above your rank. Zen can be lethal, but even take Lucio for example. He may not do enough damage to always carry a team that’s truly and irredeemibly awful. However, if you are having a positive impact on your team with Lucio in the overall sense, there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t be winning a majority of your games. If you are winning 60-65% of your games at least and are not performing like total ****, you should be working upward to Silver.

I agree every team should have a healer and some


How do I like a post twice?


Well said! Now if, ONLY, everyone could read this and grasp just a little of it. GLHF Juicers!!

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  1. Support main. I gain a lot less sr maining mercy, and healing a team that cant stay together or play their role properly is borderline impossible, no matter your skill.

Support main. Your answer here is: Zen.

You can send out orbs from a distance.

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Btw what rank are you?

Awesome post but I’d have to disagree with you on Mercy being a handicap because she is the hardest carry in lower tiers from personal experience.

What’s better than a Bronze dps Moira, a Bronze speed locked Lucio, or Bronze dps Zen that forgets he even has a healing orb?? Mercy because she is healbot and thats what you need to get out of low ranks just face it you’re trash and no you can’t carry as 76 or Reaper because you wouldn’t have ended up in bronze in the first place.




Awesome post, I agree with all of this, but I have a question about 7.

I’m not sure it’s right, i mean, isn’t that why Pharah in particular dominates and can carry a game in the lower ranks? Because players don’t have the aim to take her down?

Gamesense is definitely an issue for us here in the lower ranks, but I really wouldn’t write off improving your aim.

Mercy is the last support you play in bronze. You play moira period to get out of bronze and silver for that matter. Just learn to not always use damage orbs and you are golden.


Do you have high assist numbers? Do you die a lot? Because I can get low diamond with mercy and she is only my 4th best character. You probably have right click disabled if your a bronze mercy.


I heard a lot about lower ranks not being able to aim at Pharah. Myself, Pharah is my worst character (along with Mercy) because I’m bad at aerial movement in just about any game you can imagine. Plus running out of fuel gives me anxiety attacks. It will be very game dependent. If the enemy team doesn’t have any counters to Pharah, it could work very nicely. But it won’t always work.

Aim improvement is always good, but if the goal is to leave Bronze as soon as possible, you want to work on the biggest issue that’s plaguing you and worry about the rest later.

I have to whole heartedly disagree with you. You used examples of other heroes that are playing like Bronze Players. If you want to climb you need to play at a higher level.

If you want to simply rely on your team then you play Mercy and healbot. If you want to actually have an impact on the game you play Moira/Zen I’m low ranks.


As long as you believe that, you will remain in Bronze. The first step to getting out of your current rank is accepting that you are there primarily because of yourself.

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lol hes probably anti-hanzo but plays winston just as bad as a bad hanzo player, feeds and blames his team

That is simply not true.

Explain how. Again the examples you used were of people playing like a Bronze. There really isn’t much a Mercy can do for her team that a Moira can’t do much much better.


This 100 percent this just play moira. Drain and use healing orbs when your tanks start to get any sort of pressure. Moira is 100 percent your ticket out of bronze as a bronze player. Dont play mercy down there unless you want to do a TON of games. it can be done no doubt but it would probably require so much more work that is easier done on moira.


You have to accept that you’re in Bronze! You have to accept that nobody is out to get you and keep you in Bronze!
You can climb! I did.

This post is about why people are stuck in Bronze. Mercy is the hardest carry in lower tiers because all she can do is heal and damage boost so rather than playing a dps Moira, you can do what you’re supposed to do and keep people alive instead of missing every shot as Zen while throwing your pathetic 30hps orb on someone everytime it’s too late.

I’d say after gold, it’d be a good idea to reroll or flex to other supports but there are plenty of Mercy mains in gm so I wouldn’t say Moira makes Mercy irrelevant like you’re suggesting.

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I know that, but this is just HARSH and overreactive