10 months later, cree still has 225

No, it’s supposed to be a reaction to an unhealthy hero that literally broke the game for everyone but genji players.

Unless you bring an actual image with the date on it, let me DOUBT (X)


Thread 5 weeks after the buffs. Still nearly 60% winrate.

Well then you are in luck. https://web.archive.org/web/20200813150726/https://www.overbuff.com/heroes Snapshot after the nerfs. Overall stats still 51% winrate. He has never been even close to 40%.


I K R ( valuable statement initiated )

Go ahead and doubt. I don’t care as I have my data, and I don’t have any data that goes against it. Either way, regardless of Genji’s stats when he was broken in Grandmaster, Genji isn’t broken right now. Mcree is. All you need to do is look at his pick rate. Also I’m that image was being used to say people who think Genji needs a nerf were cringe.

And here are a couple weeks after the buff stats too

Will he throw the towel?

Man one would think that someone who distinctively remembers the actual stats of genji, has them written and all that would sort of provide. It also makes you wonder how someone like that loses his battlenet password too!

The curve was like this: BIG pickrate good winrate (10% 55%) less pickrate even better winrate! (8%, 57%), then he reached 60% winrate with unspecified pickrate)


That’s a picture of Genji stats in august, with both quickplay and all ranks of competitive combined.

Once again these are stats from grandmaster, not average stats.

Serious question, you think gold (the biggest spread of mmr) can fully utilize a brokenji when they barely got positive winrate with the best state of mccree? lol. You’ve been using GM stats when you were interested in what the sample offered, then quickly switched to ALL to say: but look at this too!

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


225 hp is not tanky

Yup no way whatsoever to avoid this ever

All you have to do is turn around and two tap? It just that easy?
And here I’ve been wasting my time one tapping people on doom after I turn around.

The point being all your claims to help back your point arnt even valid.

I’m not saying he shouldn’t be nerfed, maybe he should… but all your points arnt helping your cause, it’s just making you look uninformed and making me thing this is just blind rage


It’s not. Literally has Competitive only highlighted. It’s not even possible to combine both QP and competitive.

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not a troll post. Thanks.



That is peculiar for sure. I too, keep all my crusty pieces of paper from years ago but passwords or emails aren’t really that important. For some reason though he thinks I could’t remember the stats but he does.

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Serious question, you think Mcrees pick rate (3 times other dps) is okay? In response to your serious question, no I don’t think a gold player can handle Mcree like a grandmaster, thats why I listed average stats and grandmaster stats. I used average stats when applying stuff to myself and Grandmaster stats to show he’s broken up there too. Also, if Genji had a 43% winrate in gold when he was broken and Mcree has a 46% win rate in gold right and Genji’s pickrate is double Mcree’s that just proves my point. When Genji was picked a lot because he was broken, he had lower WRs, the same is true for Mcree.

Mccree got the “Popular” syndrome. He’s easy enough to get in, can get value through teammates as he usually goes with them unless he wants to die miserably.

But cree was also extremely popular due to rein-zarya meta. He could do gotchas on out of bubble zarya, while being enabled by his own zarya. The previous meta played tanks that cree was good at disabling too, like ball.

People don’t want to realize that mccree being played that much didn’t come from 225 hp buff (which is what’s being discussed here), but the meta which enabled him… by not having tanks like dva that disable his whole kit.


Look at this. This was mccree before the 225hp buff - 4/29/2020


  • Stun duration lowered from 0.85 to 0.7 seconds.

And now here’s this:



  • Base health increased from 200 to 225.

Peacekeeper (Primary Fire)

  • Recovery increased from 0.42 to 0.50.

this is a better mccree than what we have now except for flashbang. He has 225 hp and no 30% falloff but a 50% one.

And this is after the buffs that overtuned him, with a 2.3,2.5,2.9 pickrate. And this was the absolute best state of mccree ever


Combat Roll

  • Distance increased 20%.


  • Stun duration increased from 0.7 to 0.8 seconds.



  • Reload time reduced from 1.5 to 1.2 seconds.





Mccree is popular for the same reason things that become viral are popular: word of mouth, but his winrate was garbage.

And that’s it, there’s no coming back from this one and I don’t think you should even reply anymore.


I 100% agree with this. McCree needs nerfed so damn bad.

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No no, you forgot mercy and brig because they can fly/fade away :joy:

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This thread seems written by somebody who was upset that they died.

McCree needs to 225HP in order to remain viable.

Without it, he is extremely mediocre because he is extremely exploitable and easy to kill when he doesn’t have HP that negates popular 200 HP Damage combos


It was a reply to a message above, which talked about coordinating a dive on McCree, and good luck doing that with less people while he is with his team ; p

Denying value is shutting down

Brig has shieldbash

And you can’t really do anything against a mercy other than camping bodies.

Did I say I agree with the thread author on any of his proposed changes? I think McCree’s hp should be left alone, as a matter of fact. I think the problem is the damage output. 280 damage for two headshots is insane, especially when you factor in how easy it is to land headshots. I think Mcree should have his base damage lowered down to 55-60. You won’t agree with this, however, because you can’t figure out that having a pick rate triple that of any other dps is absurd.