10 min que in comp mode

Hello dear fellow blizzard support,devs etc.I want my money refunded since your game is kinda unplayable.I dont want to join games as dps and ruin them for the rest of the team.I dont get it how can you get good when you have to wait for so much time to play 8-10 min match.I know you are a cheap company for the last years but still get some money for more servers pls.Btw I still have no phone.


You only have 10 minute queue? Oh right, US queues are a bit shorter. I have to wait up to nearly 20 minutes sometimes on EU, it’s actually ridiculous.


You’re playing the most popular role in the game and complaining about the queue times.

Do you realize how stupid that looks?

imagine thinking waiting 10-18 minutes for a still unbalanced game (that could get cancelled lol) is an acceptable consequence for forced 222. but game is fixed and balanced am I right haha


If you think it’s so unbalanced … why are you still playing it…?

why are you bothered by people complaining about legitimate new problems brought on by forced 222?

were you not allowed to complain about the 4-5 dps teammates in past seasons? did you not express your dissatisfaction with that? why were you still playing the game then before role q?

some people want the devs to fix their games, and not drift even closer to becoming unplayable


Get ready for even longer que times after the next tank-nerf-wave…

I think OP is well aware it’s a popular role (asking for refund is being sarcastic). It’s Blizzard’s job to provide a good customer experience. If the long queue times are NOT good customer experience, it’s not working. It’s bad for business

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Theres complaining and then theres just whining.

Ever heard the line “Don’t come to me with a problem, come to me with a solution”?

You and many like you come to the forums to cry your hearts out about “X” issue the game has but you dont give a single good solution to the problem. This helps Nobody.

That’s what bothers me.

I was one of those that was in full support of role queue being added to the game. I still to this day believe it’s one of the best things to be added.

Because despite the issues I had experienced, I still had friends that played the game. I wanted to enjoy it with them…

Everyone wants the devs to fix their games? Why would anyone want anything else??? What a stupid comment to make.

Yes it is. But there will never be a happy medium in ow. There will always be people that are for and against everything. Blizzard cannot do anything about players mentality.

Like I said before. People will just outright complain about something but offer absolutely zero solutions as possible feedback to help blizzard combat the problem.

The fact is. The majority of the playerbase ( shown by the queue times ) are players that would rather pew-pew than do anything else.

That’s not blizzards fault. That’s all on the players.

I was getting twenty mins for dps in gold rank EU ps4. They’ll never launch OW2 in this state, expect role queue to be reverted if not fixed by then.


literally same. been playing since open beta and made so many long time friends thru ow. i still play with a lot of these friends but we all can’t stand role q. at all. all of us. why do you think so many of us voice strong opinions for a game we spent countless hours on? because we love(/d) the game and we want to see it not get any worse than it current is. we want the game to be enjoyable, and frankly, comp right now is a clown show. its unacceptable. and telling someone not to play a game that players used to be able to competitvely solo q because they no longer enjoy is just plain pointless

role q made balance easier (for them) and games less chaotic, but the quality of games was made worse in multiple other ways. so not really a stupid comment if this “fix” the devs made is creating new problems. AND it’s been like 7 months since role q launched, with still sluggish and bad attempts at balancing. Why haven’t the awful problems it created been fixed, and in some parts they have gotten worse!

I am so glad you said this because just several days ago I posted a concept for a system that could replace forced 222 and give players the ability to pick heroes from each role again mid game.

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to op:

unfortunately, 222 added many severe problems to the game, including but not limited to the much much longer queue times you mentioned