10 Min Ban for DC

okay. mindless admin won’t let users simply type okay.

If you take a casual mode such as quickplay seriously, I do not believe online games are for you either! What can you do about it? The heart wants what the heart wants.

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This should be obvious, lol

I don’t think I know of any that allow you to just leave games without any penalties. Are there some? There shouldn’t be. That kind of ruins the games for your teammates…

Even a casual mode has rules… follow then and you won’t be banned

I’m on starlink too and this made qp unplayable. People don’t understand that you can’t tell the tree to get out of the way of the satellite. The only solution right now is play comp instead because you can actually rejoin the match after 30 or so seconds. That’s what I plan to do for everyone saying you should give up what you’re passionate about due to the circumstances of your life so you don’t ruin THEIR experience.

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I mean a 10 minute penalty is that not big of a deal my friend, lol. But, please do not ruin my comp games.

I’ve never seen anyone rejoin after 30 seconds in a comp game, so please stop spreading false information, lol.

It did not have these rules for 7 years, fam. And it is not even against the rules as of now. It is just dumb, you can deflect all you want but if THIS triggers you, there are bigger problems. I am a salty one and even I have never been angry about a disconnect. :joy:

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No no, you don’t get it…it’s not that I don’t understand, I literally don’t care, it’s not my problem, and you have no business making your garbage internet my problem. If you can’t be reliable enough to stick in a match, then stick to skirmish mode or go find something else to play.

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Stay out of comp and it won’t be your problem :wink:

It does now, and since you can’t play 7 years ago…follow the rules or live with the penalty

Apparently it is. You do not care, I get it. Tell me another half a dozen times all about it.

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Have fun in qp then weirdo

I agree with you.

I mean, it’s like, I’m sorry your internet sucks, and I feel for you, but why do I have to suffer because of that?

Oh wait, I don’t, because blizzard is fixing it so that you just can’t play with me

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Majority vote doesn’t work in the asylum - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

for a DC? …please xD

Really they should just make a leavers queue.

Like if you leave 5/20 games or whatever you get put in the leavers queuee, and they can just all keep leaving each others games, while the rest of us that never leave, can play with each other


The way the backfill system works, you were never “suffering.” It literally backfills a higher MMR player in place of whoever dropped. If anything, we were robbed. You want the loser babyraging to quit so that you could replace them with a better player who actually wants to play the game. But nah, now people camp in their own spawn. What an improvement! I wish I could succ Aaron for coming up with this solution. So good!

Okay wat about my leavers queue solution, that sounds good no?


Absolutely. It is the best choice between what we had and what we have now. I wish you were Aaron. :biting_lip:

Where you get this from?

90% of the times the backfill is most likely another carry that is going to leave anyways lol

We could call it the “starlink queue,” for those people that think it’s unfair to be penalized for consistent dc’s. hahaha