“10 different Mercy fixes”

I agree especially since there are 10 ideas out there. Maybe they work better for fun and better for balance too.


Don’t bother with this user.

I’ve delt with them plenty. On another thread earlier tonight, they said that my statements were bandwagon. yet, here we are, throwing up bandwagon statements like “Mercy’s ultimate is boring” when, infact, there’s lots of players, including mercy mains, that think it’s fun and engaging.


Can’t understand people who think an undo button each 30 seconds is okay.
It’s not. And that’s why they nerfed every aspect of her.


Yeah, from the looks of things, more than 800 people want mass Resurrect back. It is the most popular opinion on what to do about Mercy on the forums. I, unfortunately, can’t speak on behalf of the entire Overwatch community though.


Do we have any way of knowing this?

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It’s the only true way to find out. And its possible that to use that example in dealing with the other characters that are suffering.


Lol. 800.

Meanwhile, 1.4 million players on r/overwatch aren’t complaining. 1.4 million players on r/overwatch aren’t spamming about Mercy. Lol 800.

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Forums > Top > All Time > 4th post.

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He’s talking about Titaniums post. They have over 800 likes.

Honestly, Titanium is the only flagship post here that has really any merit at all.

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It’s the most popular opinion on the forums regarding Mercy. :man_shrugging:t2: The rest of the player base is unconfirmed so yeah, I don’t know if they want mass ress back or not.

No? Thss does not state that people want mass rez back.
It just shows how many people liked a comment about why you should’t be against the new mercy, and some different ideas.

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Im pretty sure they won’t.

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Did you skip the Solution section?

The solution is only a part of a larger comment.
We have no way of knowing If every person who liked said comment did so because of the solution part, and not any other part.

Dude, I’m not trying to argue that I’m right because lots of people agree with me. I’m saying that mass Resurrect is the most popular solution on the forums.


I don’t know either watched a gif the other day this one:

And I’m just like this is utter crap that this ability has become a opps I died, but wait nevermind!

Rez is in the game League of Legends a MOBA which is a genre that inspired the nature of abilities in Overwatch. And in LoL what is Rez? It’s an Ultimate because it is a big deal that to bring someone back, so it should be the “big deal” ability an Ultimate.


Well I’m going to assume that people read the entirety of the post if they are going to like it…

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I’ll keep my opinions PG so nobody’s feelings get hurt!



Yet I wasn’t in the post you said that in.

Also, Jeff said Mass Rez wasn’t coming back. So no, it’s not a “solution”.

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