“10 different Mercy fixes”

Surely, out of the ten fixes they talk about, one will please the majority of the community.

All of them are equally important imo. I could care less as to what order they do it in.

EXACTLY THIS!! Res should be obtained because is so freaking powerful. On a constant cooldown it just breaks Mercy and makes her even more braindead.

I dare you to switch to Battle Mercy in Comp game and not be blamed while doing it. JUST DO IT.

Looks like you don’t know what you’re talking about.But I guess you’re a big Mercy expert -you know everything about her playstyle and how she should be played. Teach us all how to play her ,because even tho some Mercy players have more than 100+ hours on her they STILL don’t know anything about her.

Yeah, it’s fun to Ult and see your team dying because you can’t outheal Winston’s Primary , not to think about outhealing Ultimates.
Me: " Guys, I have Valk , Group up so we can push"
team proceeds to do their own thing, split in every corner of the map
But you have pistol - USE IT!
Team: Where are the heals? OH WAAAAIT , Our Mercy was fighting a Zen 4Head lmao. Thanks for throwing you dumba*s.


I’ve been watching her stuff too. Haven’t see all her vids but she has a lot of good stuff. I don’t imagine blizzard will listen to it any more than the multiple mercy mega threads before it. Which is a darn shame but oh well.

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Vile? She seems pretty nice to me.


You know, you should quote entire posts, not just extract whatever fits your narrative.

By doing that you have just furthered my point. Let’s add manipulative onto there shall we.

Oh I didn’t know you worked at Blizzard and created Blizzard :thinking:

If you don’t like the game,play something else. Nobody is forcing you to play it.

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Zarya is a prime example of this. Why choose zarya if you have orisa. Also genji only has his ultimate, The rest of his kit is balanced if not underpowered.

I know :confused: It’s getting pretty embarassing to see all the feedback that was given and how much of it was ignored. A lot of her videos point that out for what it is and doesn’t hold back in explaining how much of a mess it has been, which is a breath of fresh air in the wave of constant YouTubers constantly saying “Oh mercy is fine, you Mercy mains are just whining again.”

That, and the idea of the underdog making their voice heard has always inspired and fascinated me. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


It fits their RevertMercy agenda.
I think.


I mean, at least rally around Titanium’s thread. It is better than these videos in every way.

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she used to be so much fun. :confused: feelsbadman. Rest easy mercy mains, there are other games out there. Grav dragon, genji blade, dva bombs, dead eye, all set up to wipe out entire teams … but hey the idea of a HEALER being able to come in and RESURRECT is bizarre. They could have left her where she was, added the cast time and dialed back her mobility. Unless her pick rate drops they’ll continue to roll out the nerfs. Is what it is.


How about we just fix her overall healing back so it’s in line with all the other healers again and isn’t undertuned like it is right now?

Except there are 3 main healer options in the game.

How many DPS options are there?


Hold your applause ~ :blush:

Hopefully one day Mercy will be fixed and we will no longer be the underdogs. <3

Exactly, and Mercy is the only pure healer who does not damage which a lot of people love.


If my team is going in for a big push, they’re going to be taking a lot of damage. If I’m not healing them, they will die. The most “engaging” thing I can do other than healing is damage boost. In lower ranks (Plat and under) I’ve found it easier to be more versatile with Valk, in the sense of pressuring the backline. But you still have to be healing for the majority of the time. The devs removed the pistol empowerment because she was turning into a DPS machine and they didn’t want that. Now it’s harder to have that backline pressure while keeping your team alive due to the nerfs to her healing as well. Now that I’ve climbed my way through Diamond and into Masters, I can firmly tell you that pulling out your pistol in Valk is wasting its usage. If you’re not healing, you should be damage boosting. You can effectivley increase your teams dmg output by 150%. However, this is still boring, as all Mercy does is hold down a button.

Mercy mains don’t play Mercy to be a DPS machine. We shouldn’t have to put our team at a disadvantage to feel more engaged.


10 different things
I"m going to try and help my pessimist side get everything out of the way
Hard nerfs to Mercy can take a maximum of 6 different forms, 1 for each ability she has (if we include Angelic Descent.)
So even if we stretch the nerf ideas maybe say there are 3 ways they could nerf Valkyrie
Stretching it to the limit as much as we can, there are only 9 things they could hard nerf
Even in my openly pessimistic view there is 1 way Jeff said in this interview that might be some kind of double edged sword (a buff and a nerf)

So… at least some hope lives

I’m going to be honest, I never really said that I wanted Mass Rez back. I would be okay with it, sure. The issue is that I don’t think that they’re going to bring it back anyway. I liked the post because I admired the effort that all of the people involved put into their ideas, and because I liked multiple of said ideas. Not just because of Mass Rez or anything. And if there’s at least one person like me, there’s bound to be more. I wouldn’t say that all 800 want it back.

Blizzard really doesn’t utilize the PTR’s max potential. Even if it’s a small change, it should still be tested by the players. Not to mention that they do this, they still won’t listen to feedback. Symmetra’s and Sombra’s rework had so many complaints during it’s time on the PTR but no changes were done.