I have taken a break from competitive because I end up always having throwers so I try to play quick play. Yeah fun… 9 losses in a row. I got 1 win, then instantly back to a loss… The quickplay matchmaker is one of the worst matchmakers ever. Yes comp matchmaking sucks but quick play states “go against a player of your skill” proceeds to dump my team with the losers and Im outperforming in my games. Why. Why is it so hard for me to have fun in both QP and Comp when I have teams who don’t know their character or do know their character and be absolutely atrocious… It is disgusting. I have NEGATIVE WINRATES ON 5 OF MY TANKS WHEN I OUTPERFORM IN MY GAMES AS THOSE TANKS!!!
Welcome to OW2 and our totally fair & balanced matchmaking. Enjoy your brief time caring about the game.
That’s what game is now…
I am on a massive win streak at the moment. I am terrified of the new weekly missions. They are going to take forever to complete because I am finna lose 10 games in a row, son!
sorry bruh, i took your 9 wins in QP for myself yesterday.
Considering this isnt the first time you posted this exact scenario maybe, just maybe, you tilt and dont play your best leading to loss streaks beyond what they would be. I mean or you are just really unlucky.