1 tricking- there is an official ruling. Daddies rule is law

One tricking is officially NOT bannable.

Unofficially it is constantly banned just because people abuse the report system with fake reports. Only rare cases of this false reporting bans get overruled by the staff.


It is officially not bannable. Unoffficially, people report and don’t explain why, so the automated system kicks in and the mods are like “oh you’ve gotten x ammount of reports so you must have done something


It’s not bannable currently and it should not be. Ever.

Maybe just maybe, the attack torb agianst widow, hanzo looks for some like throwing.
For ne it does and so i report the next one.

Just because someone plays a hero that YOU don’t think is optimal doesn’t give you the right to report them.

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There doesn’t need to be with people heroes like this

This is incorrect…

One tricking is not punishable but there are a lot of instances where players getting suspended think it’s because they’re playing a certain hero or heroes.

This isn’t the case. It is their behavior that is getting punished but they think they’re being punished for playing a hero.

It’s like getting a fine because you’re operating a vehicle without a license. The driving isn’t the issue, it’s your lack of a license.


There is an official ruling. They said it is fine to play any hero.

The problem is that everyone false reports and the reporting system automatically bans people based on false reports. Currently rules are completely meaningless.

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unless big daddy jeff said it then its not official

One Tricking is not bannable and should not be reported (it even says so in the text)

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thanks for this post

mods can we get a sticky on this?

Educated the masses that you shouldn’t report one tricks solves nothing when rules don’t matter.

Their official ruling is…

You can play the hero you want as much as you want. If the hero you’re playing however is getting hard countered and not working and just feeding the other team then you could be considered throwing and get reported and suspended/banned.

So in short, if you’re 1-tricking Tracer and doing “ok” then you can’t get reported. If you’re 1-tricking Symmetra and non-stop getting killed without doing anything to help the team then you could get reported.

sorry krojack but big daddy jeff has already commented on the issue

you can’t ban 1 tricks under any situation

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I never said you could… I in fact said you can’t. I also have that post from him bookmarked.

how do you book mark?

Depends on what web browser you use I guess.

google chrome

You honestly have to play a lot of word games with cherry picked Blizzard statements to think they haven’t been clear on the topic. You also have to ignore all the very clear statements that they’ve made which is that hero choice is a player’s choice.

please refer to the following Blizz response, let alone Jeff’s response:

Let’s be clear here and not confuse policy:

One Tricking is not bannable and should not be reported (it even says so in the text)

Throwing is bannable and should be reported. We appreciate your help here.

False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system.

PLUS, you now have LFG if you want it your way.

Why is this still a problem for you with all options available for you?