1 tank 1 support 4dps

So just not let people play what they want? Nice! How about we just delete support and tank while we are at it?

“Zenyattas hate him” - 𝓐𝓵𝓮𝔁𝓞𝓷𝓮

It’s not fair to people that have disabilities or disadvantages that make hard for them to play a fast paced hero or an hero with high mechanical requirements. The spirit of Overwtach is that anyone can be an hero, while you want only mechanically gifted people to shine. This is ridiculous.

? we are in competitive discussion ofc someone who is mechanically gifted is supposed to shine or why do we even have a competitive game mode you dont have to play dps? your off tank will be in the dps role?

No. Just no. This game became popular because what distinguished it from other FPS on the market is that it can reward very different skill sets and not just the people with a 144 hz monitor or 2000 hours on CSGO.

yes skill sets… you have to be able to do something better than the other player or its not a skill set i dont understand you can play the hero still that does not require mechanical skill there is many of them in the game and most of them are very strong we just wont have double shield no more.

it rewards moba players / fps players and strategic players and it still will even if we get only 1 main tank? right now it favours people who have less mechanical skill already it needs to be fair?

Most of them visually suck or have unappealing gameplay. So I am retarded and so I have to only play fng reaper or symmetra. Or imagine how much girl picking off tank DPS role would be harassed… you just want to increase game toxicity cause you want to get these 360 no scopes with widow. Well fck you and sniping honestly.

who said anything about been toxic to girls and you put in your post above that it became popular because of people with different skill sets so my skillset how i play is sniping why do you insult it if you i thought anyone could shine in this game?

My girlfriend plays overwatch and she gets the most harrassment from playing mercy so i dont know where you got off tanks from.

You shine at the role when it’s not countered, like anybody else here. Instead you want 200 HP clickable heads any time so you can post some video on reddit.

1st who said anything about 200hp heroes 2nd what i want is the off tanks to be playable dva at the moment gets no playtime at all and when she does it is filled with more toxic than she would ever get in the dps slot ye and im sure you want to play rein/zarya/dva again and get some big grav bombs who doesent want to go back to the old times?

But not like this. Like this you will only increase toxicity. If some DPS steals off tank from the select screen I would feed the whole game on DPS or have people insult me because we have 1 shield and 2 off tank which of course won’t be viable.

Why wont 2 off tanks be viable im confused zarya is still there multiple tanks was meta in the past why is it not meta now?

Cause to make them DPS they would need to tune down their brawl potential

yes and like jeff said a 400hp hog that can heal will still do damage to the backline when he is flanking they are not getting massive hp nerfs they have big hitboxes.

I liked solo healing, but yeah, team needs to have a lot more composure than what is usually displayed. No Bueno for nost

I played enough 1-1-4 before 222 came… no thank’s.


Everything is getting in the DPS slot these days. That’s just ridicolous. First defense heroes and now even tanks. What next? Supports there too, like Zenyatta?

Was widow really a defence hero like she was classed as a defence hero and her biggest strength is on attack where she can get a pick and win the team fight and no supports should not be in the dps slot because they bring way to much utility to the team been able to have 3 supports but off tanks are pretty much dps with big health pools.

So you want to make game flaws even more severe? I don’t get it. We should increase TTK that’s when overwatch is fun, not have pick fest and double shield. You forget that double shield now are meta cause it the only viable stat against the power creep of damage. Before goats the meta was double snipers. HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT THAT OR WHAT?

Ok so double sniper was meta because of mercy ressurect been instant and been able to use it almost 3 times with her ultimate meaning playing dive was pointless because in the end they will just out value also brig was released and if the enemy team tried to counter mercy double sniper with dive brig/mercy would be played.

there was also the problem with zarya which made grav very easy to land and mercy damage boost on a hanzo with dragonstrike would cancel out zen ult every meta ever played has never been a problem from a dps hero always a support or tank.

Sure there was mcree meta when overwatch came out and bastion meta that lasted for almost 1 week or so but other than this when did dps bring a meta?

Cause if DPS was the one making or breaking the meta this game couldn’t be sold as a team game, rather a deatmatch experience. Get over it.