1 main tank limit should be a thing

Why only tanks have to be limited??? I demand for one long range and burst damage in damage role, one aoe and single target healer in support. So we could balance the game even better.
Seriously, Blizzard themselves made a bad decision to rely on barriers too much. Like without barriers you can’t handle with the half ultimates in game and get through chokes. And snipers are still obnoxious to play against. Until then double barrier is a must cause it makes your team’s life easier.

1 burst-damage DPS limit should be a thing. Then double shield wouldn’t be necessary :wink:

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No, please stop with this. You’re basically telling me I have to queue in the roster that has 8 heroes, already split into 2 to the point 2 off tanks is throw comp, then I’m tied up heavily with synergies and then you want to screw with this further by giving tanks lower stats based on the other random internet person’s hero choice.

No, just no.

lets stop limiting things


This would of course come with some sort of buff that mostly counters the debuff.

I don’t care if it comes with 100 bucks and a coffee. No one wants to be tied to other people for their gaming performance. I would argue that’s the main reason queues times suck.

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Well, I think devs are going to “do something” about barriertank issues before OW2 launches.

As you know, I got a wide selection of ideas.

But if you take the 1xBarrirerPerTeam, and DebuffIf2xBarrier away.

All that really leaves is making barrier tanks weaker at close range.

I’m much rather leave things as is than anything that involves my hero’s stats be tied to random internet pricks. Any “solution” that starts is if team has X then someone else gets the shaft is a bad one.

And let’s not lack imagination. Orisa based double shield would be gone in a week if she’s turned into a bunker MT.

That’s an easy way for devs to ignore your feedback entirely.

If they don’t get a handle on queue times before OW2 launches, it would be the game design equivalent of suicide.

Well, I am a fan of these changes, which include some heavy buffs, but also some heavy nerfs.

But no midgame nerfs or further role restrictions.

[✅] Expanded DoubleBarrier fixes

literally not possible, if the enemy team has a shield you are immediately at a massive disadvantage.

In order the make the alternatives more effective you’re gonna need to deal with the abilities and things in the game that make you rely on shields

I.e. Anti Nade and one shots

And earthshatters, and Ult charge feeding

The thing is though, Sigma does not play like a main tank. He has never been played as a main tank and his kit does not work like a main tank’s kit. The only reason people call him one is because he has a shield, but he is far closer to DVA than to any main tank.

Making tanks lose hair over their team mates even before the game begins is not gonna help queues. OW2 is likely coming with 1-3-2 for that.

In the mean time let’s not make that lootbox look like a threat.

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Earthshatter is mostly fine, there’s other counters to it than just shields. Ult charge is more of a Roadhog thing but yeah, they should really give him a passive that makes it so people get less ult charge off of him.

Who’s a main tank in your head?

If you are Zen, and opponent have a good Genji, are you gonna stick to Zen or switch? If the opponent runs two barrier buster off tanks, your DPS can switch to spam damage heroes to wreck them, because off tanks lacks survivability. Constantly switching heroes is how Overwatch designers want players to play.

My point is, at the moment, barrier tanks, especially Sigma and Rein, basically have too much value and too little drawback. Off tanks such as D.Va and Hog are supposed to trade their survivability for values in other areas. But the damage powercreep is heavily favoring barriers. I’m simply putting some ideas for buffing off tanks.

(Adding random text for avoiding duplicate post detector)

I’m fine with this idea, but this comes back to the problem

What kind of tank are WB and winston?

Rein, Winston, Sigma, Orisa.

Didn’t used to be that way. Orisa’s bunker was strong against frontal attacks, but it’s counter was to simply ignore the shield and walk through it. That required no brainpower and Orisa was considered a mediocre tank all throughout ladder.

Orisa became “OP” not because she was buffed. But because the Goats nerfs buried every other tank.