1 gig ptr update

Roadhog can now fly by aiming Whole Hog at the ground! And to think, I didn’t believe that they listened to these forums!


that’s massive I’d love to hear that

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its been 40 minutes since this was created have you realized what the update is yet?

I think it’s trolling dude…


im dumb


Just came back home. No PTR updates.

He was kidding… He just wanted people getting hyped for nothing maybe…

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I wasnt kidding or trolling, I just got a random update, I guess I just missed the last one, sorry guys

could be the anti cheat stuff jeff talked about in the latest dev update.

probably mei getting slammed

They turned off the ExC, if I recall it about 1 gig when it installed. So likely 1 gig to uninstill.

What’s ExC?
I’m too lazy to search it up, might as well ask.

The Experimental Card

What an abbreviation!

I am amazing… yep.


I don’t think it was an uninstall. It would be silly for the experimental mode to be reinstalled and uninstalled with every experiment. It’s probably just a background patch for archives.

Well at least it’s not new hero big yet… would be bigger then 1 gig

Unless they put files for a new hero in with each patch for the past half a year, like all their voicelines one patch are snuck in and never mentioned, then next patch they put in all of their skin data, etc

Look the only way from a technical stand point, and I don’t mean to advertise… but it would have to follow the theory I posted a few days ago. (wait for link): 🧐 (Hero 32) 1/3/2 theory: This could have been a Testing ground for Echo!?!

where Road’s and Zarya’s new abilities, were just ones gonna be used by Echo.

Archives falls in April. It March.