1-4-1 is the way to go

Probably some fun changes you could do to heroes, like letting Zen give 3 or 4 orbs or something. Major tweaking would have to be done. I’d answer the rest, but I gotta go get coffee with gf.

I look forward to reading you two having a discussion, cause I kinda like the idea of 141, even if it’ll never happen.

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Ah, bringing back memories of Mists of Pandaria for me. I felt unkillable no matter what spec.

It would artificially inflate queue times for tank and support

I would really like to see a small version of Transcendence on cooldown for Zen if he were to be a main healer, even though these forums hate the idea of swapping ultimates and cooldowns. Sym, Mercy and Torb, duh.

It’s fun to think about changes to him, especially. It’s weird to imagine him as a main healer.

First time I’ve heard that term… To Oblivion and BEYOND!!!

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Just because you don’t agree with me doesn’t mean I have to be a troll.

Here’s the thing, you would have to make supports and tanks super OP to account for 4 dps running around. They would be complained about and nerfed hard for it, so why even bother with the game mode?


I hate 222 tbh. Id be for 1-4-1

Yeah, I don’t think it’s realistic to think that DPS at large would accept raid-boss level Tanks and Supports in their games. Even with buffed Tanks and Supports, too, it puts a lot of pressure on those players, because they’re managing the whole team by themselves and, if they die, the team loses complete access to that resource (tanking or healing).

From a gameplay perspective, 2-2-2 is the best option if we’re limiting to 6 players. I still think that 2-3-2 would be even better, though Jeff has objected to it on the basis of it being costly.

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I would just prefer to throw the whole forcing of comps in the trash

Hahaha, no…
If you think a tank and healer would want to return to pre role lock. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. you must be mad.

80% of the playerbase is dps, which is why you have longer queue times

1 3 2 is not the solution, as tanks such as myslef would just quit and stop queue times in its tracks.

Even if you buff tanks and healers like mad. You will not satisfy us. Because this would confirm our theory that the game is catered to dps. I mean, it is with the powercreep

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This will never happen, thankfully.

Commenting on a forum post isn’t a high bar for caring.

The statement “I don’t care” contradicts with the amount of attention he’s giving this post.

They would have to buff every support to pre nerf moth Mercy levels.

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Essentially, yes.

The same ““extreme”” buffs that Tanks were supposed to get with 1/2/3??

Yeah, I get where this is going… Let’s just leave these experiments before we make all Healer and especially Tank players that are left to finally quit for the sake of once again, appeasing the extremely privilaged DPS…


I play mostly tank and healer and want everything nerfed back down to earth

I say this as a support main.

You probably shouldn’t have chosen to play an FPS game if you don’t like the shooting element, the main one on which the game is based.

I vote for 1-1-4. :innocent: