1-3-2 Will Bring Players Back to Playing This Game

A lot of players quit this game to play Battle Royales because this game is too team dependent and it lacks letting players use their own skill to carry their team. 1-3-2 will definitely make this game less team dependent and allow one player to carry their entire team.

This good overall, as we’ll see more games being won because of outplays. Plus, some of the players who quit this game because it became too team dependent may come back.


Idk about that one. I literally had a godlike McCree in one of my games and even he couldn’t save it with a 4k high noon.

The fact of the matter is that OW, by design, isn’t simply a “Oh, lets all run around killing things!” kind of game because there’s an objective. So unless you’re in team deathmatch it doesn’t matter if every single person on your team pops off if nobody is on point–which is what all my games have been. Everybody doing their own thing in random corners, neglecting to push cart or contest when someone is capping the point. It’s either 1 healer on the point, or 1 tank and one of the healers, or 1 dps getting focused to death.

Literally the only winnable games I’m getting is if I’m on defense on a payload map bc lord knows that even if you get that cart past the first two points, it’s not getting past the last. The entire team is forced to defend the payload at that point because it’s right in front of spawn.


Two tanks make it so you have to play around your tanks and thus make the game more team dependent. A 4k high noon doesn’t mean you carried the game. A genji who could’ve killed the enemy Ana beforehand and made the fight a 5v6 is the real MVP.

As much as I like 1/3/2 than 2/2/2…

I don’t think it would bring anyone back, since DOOM and Animal Crossing are coming out in March and the mode itself are not coming.

But if it DOES become a reality, the majority of “players” on this forum would quit, to which I say: GOOD RIDDANCE!

A lot of people quit this game to go play battle royale games like Fortnite because this game was starting to require more teamwork and less individual skill as it grew older. There’s a large portion of Fortnite players playing that game now instead of Overwatch because it solves this problem. 1-3-2 could mean that there could no more be such thing such as Main tank in front off-tank supporting the tank, and the rest of the line up. Now individual skill is now more predominant whikle teamwork is still available.

All changes brings back players to the game, the problem is how long are they staying?

i plan to quit if it goes 1/3/2 as i play tank and dps and in reality 1/3/2 promotes there most OP DPS characters

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It would do both bring and make people leave.

And I guess screw the players who enjoy synergizing with the other tank and coordinating strats with each other.


Battle Royales and Overwatch are two different experiences. The game is, at its core, a team based game. Single Player overwatch was criticized in 2016 and some players never learned.

Making this game less team dependent just translates to making support and tank roles miserable, and thus leading to a mass exodus of the people who do play as a team.

Individual skill still matters in a team environment- but this game isn’t a ffa and shouldn’t be a ffa.

I’m not sure what you count as OP. But Widowmaker will probably get an instant buff. And good snipe spot locations become actual good snipe locations considering that there’s less tanks to prevent one-shot kills for her.

It’ll also make natural cover better and used more. The game overall becomes more tactical and FPS mechanics become more prevalent on helping players win matches. Having two tanks requires teams to have a frontline and backline. The frontline may not be necessary anymore with 1-3-2 and thus the game is more fast-paced, action packed, requires more mechanic skill, and overall more individual skill is required. Teamwork is also preserved as combos and positioning to help teammates can still help to win games. But teamwork is probably more prevalent when there’s two tanks involved, due to teams having a frontline and backline.

There will always be players who will quit because of some change. But I’m sure that they’ll be more players who will come back and play again because of 1-3-2 because of that large Fortnite and other Battle-royale playerbase.

and yet she just got a nerf but hanzo is major op along with junkrat as both of them can easily 1 shot a 150hp hero

Jeff stated that the game went too team dependent and they are already reverting it.
Hopefully it will be a good balance

Sure it will bring people back to check it out. When they realize no more main tanks are playing the game anymore they’ll leave again.

I just played as my main (Rein), all it really did was raise the tank toxicity dramatically (like it was pre 2-2-2) and make it a more miserable experience overall as I didn’t have a ‘friend’ helping me out like Zarya. Just 3 DPS soloing and screaming at me when they died because I had no shield. 0 chance I continue playing him under these circumstances.

The 3 DPS screaming at you won’t happen in-game most of the time. And as the game ages with 1-3-2 players will start learning that using natural cover matters more now.

I’ve been playing Rein since beta and you are absolutely 100% wrong on this account. I know what pre-2-2-2 solo tank was like. Mind you this was experimental and not even comp and they were yelling at me all match (after we marched it down to the very end and couldn’t push it in with 4mins).

I don’t know what kind of drugs you’re on, but do let me have some.

Before 2-2-2 players did not take advantage of “natural cover”. Nor did they actually go to pick up them healthkits (they still don’t), better to just spam HEAL MAH whilst running mindlessly into the enemy team getting obliterated with just 50hp left (if not less). It’s hardly going to change with 1-3-2, people will still be as stupid as ever.

As a support main you have no idea how many times I see critically health people run straight towards the enemy team. Me shaking my head - thoroughly.

All this will do is drive a large amount of tanks and supports away from the game. What is the point of playing if you cannot fulfill your role?

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If by that you mean a DPS player, then yes.

1-3-2 has so much damage that it’s hard for support to keep up. On top of that, players are more spread appart and harder to reach for supports. Any support with no mobility struggles more in that setup, especially when you’re getting flanked by sombra, genji, and snipped by widow.

Being limited to 1 tank means they can occupy space at only one place at a time. This means that if you need your tank to peel support and push forward at time, you’re screwed because a single tank can’t do both. They buffed tanks, sure, but a single tank still dies faster than two. 3 DPS also mean the enemy team can go with mei and reaper (tank busters), and fill with a hitscan to cover their common weakness.

More DPS means more ways to exploit supports (by flanking them, snipping them, etc.) and the single tank takes all the focus.

In other words, it’s more opportunities for DPS while the single tank and both support are left behind.

The result? Players die faster and way more often, which causes more walk from spawn and less play (therefore, less fun).

I played the experimental card enough already to see that’s definitely the case.


Would returning players queue for tank or bloat the damage queue even more? How long till players that do come back to play tank realize that Tanks are still cc punching bags and leave again for that reason? 1-3-2 didn’t do much to address the reason that tank players were leaving. It did address the damage queue problem, so by following that logic damage players would be returning and once again bloating the damage queue.

All 1-3-2 did was make it more frustrating for a tank that has to be in 2 places at once. They need to be on the front line pushing and in the back line peeling for support. Damage will be out on flank farming body count for the k/d and trying for potg. If it did bring players back it wouldn’t be long before some of them figure out that the change honestly didn’t do anything other than lower queue times for damage (which I dont think honestly would have sustained) while fixing nothing else they thought was wrong with the game.


I agree. I really want this in competitive.