1-3-2, Overwatch is finally fun again!

I can see that as being a problem, I guess it’s been better for me because I’ve only been playing it was a 3-stack, so I always know I will have at least one good damage and one good healer.

In every 1-3-2 game where I stomp people as Widow, I always end up having to deal with counters or swap pretty quickly. Maybe it’s a hidden MMR thing.

That’s every healer other than Mercy and Brig. The problem is, I was a Lucio. I usually stuck near the tank, and play defensively (because in that mode, if your tank dies your team dies).

Gold elims should be higher than 3 and it shouldn’t be held by a healer, either way.

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Yikes, that’s unlucky — someone was doing something wrong.

Same… Widow or Hanzo in every match

I know it’s frustrating OP.

People that constantly whine on these forums always get what they want, eventually.

They got forced heroes reworks, buffs and nerfs, they got forced 2-2-2, map bans, hero bans and are still not satisfied nor happy with the game (they want more bans now even though Season 21 is not even live). On the other hand, the only things people like you and me are asking for, such as 1-3-2 to stay or Classic Competitive to be added, are constantly denied (by the same people that get everything and devs constantly grant them everything).

it seems like we can never have a “win”.

It’s pretty much unfair but I got used to it. The problem is I’m starting to get fed up… All those restrictions are boring and more are to come. I already know I won’t be playing season 21 and no new hero or map are announced (to compensate for all those restrictions) so I wonder what’s in it for players like me in the end ?

I liked OW so much from 2016 to 2019 (until RQ). What a shame. I hope OW2 will be focusing on diversity again and that restrictions become just a distant memory of a bad OW1 era.

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That’s kind of my point. In my experience the DPS players I get paired with don’t really . . . try. I’ve just ran out of ways to avoid the topic, but it’s usually just the tanks and support that are trying to win. Since there’s just 1 tank, there’s more pressure on the them and the supports. It’s just a rougher experience.

EDIT: as for being unlucky, it’s pretty typical.

I have them from start to finish every so often, but the DPS in most of my 1-3-2 games switch things up pretty often once they’re getting rolled by counters.

All you can really do is avoid players at that point :expressionless:

There are only 3 spots. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of players like that. It really doesn’t seem like it would matter.

Try queuing for DPS ¯|(ツ)

Yeah, it’s pretty depressing. The thing is, I don’t even really expect Overwatch to do what the fans want and that includes myself. The devs should have their own view on how the game should be. Overwatch is going to be a classic example of listening to the fans too much. Because Overwatch changes to appease the biggest complainers, that means they are constantly changing the game philosophy and alienating regular players in the process.

The reason the game has never been balanced is because you can’t balance a game around the opinions of forum users, ever. Experimental mode means Blizzard is getting desperate and making even more drastic directions. It almost feels like the entire game is an arcade mode that rotates every patch, because they just never settle on anything.

The only reason OW is still doing so well is because their competitor Paladins has the exact same problem. Paladins has struggled on whether it should be a card collecting game or a skill-based shooter, just like OW struggles with the question whether it’s a skill-based shooter or a MMO pvp thing.


THANK YOU, like really !

I’ve been saying the same thing since the day the pros from the OWL have been dictating their balance ideas (such as depriving Sombra of her buff).

I wish devs would only listen to themselves and not care about the community’s feedback except for reporting bugs, cheaters or suggesting QOL ideas (not hardcore buffs or nerfs, nor reworks unless it’s their idea only).

I could put up with all the current restrictions such as RQ, map bans or hero bans if only I knew for sure those were their ideas and doing but unfortunately it’s not the case. All those things that came to OW was the result of this community whining.

It all started with pros, then streamers and now casual players took over. It’s really depressing, as you put it.

Let’s hope devs take control of everything again for OW2 and that these forums become a deserted place. If we’re being honest, these forums are 90% of the time about “I lost, it’s unfair, I can’t accept not climbing so you need to buff this or nerf that”.

Jeff Kaplan said it himself when addressing the 1-3-2 changes 2 days ago.

<3 You’re saying this so well. I think I found my forums soul mate haha.

True and also, Overwatch is not a pure FPS and was never meant to be one so you can’t never have a perfect balance, ever. In order to do so, all heroes should have more or less the same mechanics except 1 or 2 small abilities that are situational à la Apex Legends (all Legends have to shoot).

Devs should have thought this through if they really wanted to create a league to this game but again, Overwatch was not meant to be perfectly balanced and that’s what made it so different from other games (it gathered players from different gaming backgrounds). It created a new genre and I feel like devs are ruining it for the sake of people that want the game to become something else, sadly.

Maybe they should create a pure FPS game from the Overwatch universe that involves soldiers fighting (with more or less the same abilities) where balance is key. OW2 will be focusing on PVE to please the players that liked the Archive events so why not create a game for those that want a perfectly balanced game that is still (somehow ) related to Overwatch ?

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Same statement was made about 2-2-2.
Here is the scenario for you:
Blizzard announces 1-3-2
People get excited about 1-3-2
1-3-2 goes live.
People experiment with the possibilities for a few weeks
A predominant meta arises from these experiments
Routines start to appear
Excitement goes down
From there it’s either
-Blizzard needs to find something else as a game format
-Blizzard needs to balance their game
And we both know they ain’t good at the second one so they will go for the first one

No it isn’t.

Experimental mode came out of workshop.

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Then uninstall the game, 3-1–2 cannot go live as it ruins the tank and support role simply to give the dps a shorter queue time.

Tanking has never been so miserable and if you don’t take the “right” tank that the rest of the team would “prefer” you can bet that the tank is the focus of the blame/flaming.

Reworking the entire tank line up just to stop the dps whining about about queue times is not the answer


A predominant meta arises from these experiments
Routines start to appear
Excitement goes down

Overwatch is such a meta-biased game because the skill ceiling is so low, to prevent overwhelmingly dominated metas they would have to rework every Hero from the ground-up so individual skill matters more than team comp. Even if theoretically Overwatch was perfectly balanced for 2-2-2 or 1-3-2 it wouldn’t fix the meta issue because the diversity of characters and their refusal to rework maps would just make metas more map specific.

I prefer 1-3-2 because at least when the excitement dies down, it will still be fast-paced enough to not be mind-numbingly boring and simple. 2-2-2 feels like I’m in queue for a match even when I’m playing, that’s how predictable and uninteresting it is. 1-3-2 will at least be difficult and chaotic enough to keep me awake.

um sir, u realize when u get 1-3-2 u get that one tank kid that only plays ball or offtank lol so no thx

Acting like you’re smarter than everyone doesn’t make it so pal.

Everyone can read you here.

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