So if the majority want communism, and you give them what they want, then that is capitalism and democracy. Gotcha lol.
As a support main who plays a lot of off tank as well, I actually like 1-3-2. It makes the game more about the brawl than hiding behind shields until they break. I know it’s probably never going to make it into the live game, but it would be nice to have it as an arcade mode at least.
The mode is a trashfire, I played it for an entire night and hated every match. as for “Making the game less team reliant” Are ya daft? it’s a, say it with me, TEAM BASED FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. If you want to play games “Rambo style” to to CS:GO, and leave this game for the rest of us.

Whoa, it’s almost like you can have a team game, that isn’t completely team reliant. Like LoL. Who would have thought.

If you want to play games “Rambo style” to to CS:GO, and leave this game for the rest of us.
Overwatch becoming less team dependent in the future seems like a good thing to me - Jeff Kaplan
Looks like you’re going to have to go lol.
Cya later.
overwatch already lost it’s identity when map pools and especially role lock was introduced before the role lock you could actually could carry games easier… and after a point you had to go with your team… but now you depends on your team way too much… in a game where you can que up solo you need a chance to carry… before role lock I had way better games than now (yes sometimes we had 5 dps but I had an ability to switch off… and it was way more enjoyable) this is why im playing less nowdays ^^ we need a role lock comp AND the comp “classic” with different ladder… without map restrictions without role restrictions etc… or maybe 111-3flex… so everyone could que for what they want… devs still can balance towards 222 I really dont care… ppl will find the new metas anyways
It’s funny because you have people in these forums complaining about short time to kill when ttk in Overwatch is hilariously long.
I like the idea… but not with the actual dps… too much damage
The double shield meta from a while back was certainly pretty bad I agree. But overwatch has always stood out as a team game. 321 doesn’t feel like a team game to me. It is just chaos.
Hahahaha, you’re funny.

321 doesn’t feel like a team game to me
That’s the point
Overwatch becoming a little less team dependent in the future seems like a good thing to me - Jeff kaplan

But overwatch has always stood out as a team game.
To who? Overwatch attracted me because of the artwork. Never stood out to me at all as a “team game”.
Id rather keep a team, i dont care if the team is less members but i like teams

Id rather keep a team, i dont care if the team is less members but i like teams
What I say: Make overwatch a little less team reliant
What people hear me say: Make overwatch a 1v1 solo player game against bots.
YES! It needs to go live and be the Role queue it should have been! (if Role queue has to stay)
Tried a couple games, felt like old QP. That’s not a compliment.
According to’s about page “Overwatch is a colorful team-based shooter game”
I think that makes it pretty clear that it is intended to be a team game. You may play it for the art, and that’s fine. I play it for the team and strategy elements. Co-ordinating ults and pushing as a team has always been what made the game fun to me. Those clutch games where you see the team pull together and pull of a tight win because of comminication and strategy. I feel that this new chaotic 321 approach is a shadow of the game. It would work fine as an alternate mode but I can’t see it fitting as the game’s central game mode. It is just completly opposed to what the game is.

I think that makes it pretty clear that it is intended to be a team game.
Wow it’s almost like I never said overwatch shouldn’t be a team game.

According to’s about page “Overwatch is a colorful team-based shooter game”
According to the web page of 1933 germany, hitlers germany was intended to be racist. Things that were created a certain way, sometimes change in the future. The world works like that.
Those that like it are the ones who are slowly but surely,ruining the game
Those that dislike it are the ones who are slowly but surely ruining the game

According to the web page of 1933 germany, hitlers germany was intended to be racist.
I mean, I was with you until you made this comment.
See I know you didn’t say it shouldn’t be a team game. What I am saying is that 321 doesn’t feel like a team game. As such it feels alien to me. The game has always been designed and marketed as a team based game. 321 goes and makes it feel like some sort of arena shooter. That’s not the aspect of the game that players like myself enjoy. If you want chaos there is TDM.
On that note a competative TDM wouldn’t be a bad idea now that I think about it.
Also your thing about Germany is complete nonsense.
Sure things change and evolve over time. Some times that’s a good thing, sometimes that’s a bad thing. However, if I sold you a car and half the wheels fell of after a week I don’t think you would be happy if I now started telling you it was a motorbike. Change isn’t the issue. A complete identity swap is.