šŸ“° 1/1/2/1/1 is inevitable, and I've proven it

Wall of text laterā€¦

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thereā€™s dead and dead.

Like, I donā€™t think overwatch is dead dead, but itā€™s not at the population size to implement even more queues. I was exaggerating with the times I was citing, but 11211 would easily double your very reasonable queuetime of 2-3 minutes, or the ridiculous queuetimes higher ranked streamers have been seeing of 45 minutes to an hour.

I love this game, but whatā€™s needed is balance changes to bring off and main a little closer together for 2-2-2. The fact that they havenā€™t done this has seriously hurt the game. The fact that heroes like D.Va are garbage has hurt the potential bump back up that 2-2-2 was going to give. The current state of the game is driving people away.

Anyways, thatā€™s not what this thread is about, but there is definitely not enough players to do 11211.

A computer engineering degree at uni :stuck_out_tongue:

Im a sophomore

That is one huge plus youā€™re not wrong

This is wrong, DPS are there to secure kills. Tanks have been expected to contribute substantial damage numbers in literally every meta.

In pro play itā€™s long been known that one of the DPS should play more aggressively for high risk high reward plays and the other should play supportively with the team.

Dividing this role into two makes just as much sense as dividing the supports into two- i.e. none at all, but people want it anyway so given that, splitting the DPS isnā€™t ā€œunreasonableā€.

The queue times just going over into 222 has pretty much killed even the idea of splitting the player base into even more sub groups. Itā€™s why I also suspect we will never see a group and solo queue now either.

but any sort of deep split into even more sub groups to queue for just would bog everything down even more. Never going to happen.

The issues that the balance team ran into with 3-3 is unique to 3-3 due to the nature of this game rewarding high sustain and holding a team objective. So allowing huge health pool tanks x3 and huge healing x3 made for issues.
Itā€™s not something that we will ever see in a 222 system as itā€™s just far too easy to keep the health pool and healing rates in line with in a 222 system.

This doesnā€™t make much sense to me tbh and saying ā€œIā€™ve proven itā€ makes it even worse. I think you missed the entire poiint of role que.