The latest iteration of suggestions is here:
The queue element is not testable through the Workshop. I also don’t believe something like Zenyatta having a second Orb of Harmony can be implemented through the Workshop. Can you create an extra ability, utilize more buttons?
Learning how to use the Workshop is another problem. One of the ideas was recently implemented by another poster (who disagrees with it, by the way).
I’ve looked at the code involved for what is a simple change and it looks peculiar. So even doing something as simple and straightforward as this requires finding some good source explaining the logic and range of the Workshop’s coding. If through the Workshop everything or most of the things can be implemented then I guess I could suck it up and try to learn but I think some of the stuff here goes beyond the scope of it.
By the way, barely anyone bothered testing the Sombra change and the Workshop person even labeled the effects in-game so things were very apparent.