0 sr gained after winning a match

Started the overwatch day at 2113 sr then I lost one game and lost 25 sr then I won a game and gained 0 then I queeued up for another game and after holding on defense and switching to atttack nboodies game was loading. Is there a problem with overwwatch right now or am I just unlucky?


Did you leave the game before? It happened to me when I left the game because of a Leaver. I left after the timer said it was safe to leave but when I won the next game, I gained no Sr.

I just ran into this issue as well. First competitive of the day, we won and it said placements complete ( i did them in the beginning of the season) and i was presented with 0 SR for the win.

yep same problem. won a game no sr change. lost a game sr changed.

I’m having the same issue. Just won 2 in a row and didn’t gain any SR.

I also have this problem… hope this gets fixed. Won’t be playing comp til it is.

Same thing just happened to me. Played and won 3 games, only registered the first 2 wins and the third gave me no sr. There was nothing abnormal about the third game that would result in 0 sr gain. Any way to get this accounted for?

Same. Had a great 1st game win and not a single smidgen of SR :frowning: Would be nice to see a blue post on this, until then I don’t want to take the risk

Same issue. Win 2 games but gain 0 sr. Hope bliz fix this and give my sr back.

Have the same issue. Had a leaver on team, and team started leaving after the 2 minute timer expired. Lost 25 SR for that game. Won the next game and got only 4 SR. If I had lost that game I would have lost ~50SR. This bug has been around forever. Please fix, it’s not fair at all.

It’s strange that this bug still exists, I test every once in a while when I have a leaver and it’s still glitching 100% of the time. I’m not sure if it’s not happening to everyone and that’s why Blizzard is having trouble identifying it? Or if people just don’t pay close enough attention to their SR to realize it exists?