0 Pleasure from this game. Because it boring

So leave the forums and come back when 2 is finished. Damn!!!


I don’t think so :wink:

Is this your personal forum or what?


That’s just the people who think their opinion is special and feel the need to tell everyone. The people who actually left don’t feel to the make a thread about it. I Uninstalled overwatch weeks ago, yet if you go through my post history you will not see me bringing it up once

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Cope. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ


32 ways to play game isn’t enough…but if they added that 1 more the game would be “fixed”


If they gave Hammond an out of mech form then 1 would be finished.

The thing is, it’s a pretty low resource game that you can leave running in the background while you’re working.

If you can recommend other games that doesn’t go bonkers when you alt-tab or steal resources from your other programs, i’d try them.

Right now i’m going through python tutorials and the only reason i’m not falling asleep is the occasional wakeup from Overwatch.

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Yeah seeing hanzo/cree/soldier every game is boring af

Welp, it would be less boring for some time, with new option to play and new enemy to fight agains.
Then over time it would get boring again and then it should be added another one.

If you don’t like playing the game then stop playing
If you don’t like the game but still enjoy playing it at times then play it sometimes
Literally just live your life, do what you want, this game will still be here when you get back if you feel like playing it again


Exactly lol I try to play different stuff sometimes. Considering everything going on, I really don’t take this seriously lol

I often laugh when the comment section just tells people to stop playing the game if they aren’t happy.

That is the #1 reason WHY people are LEAVING the game and the game is hemorrhaging players.

People here are just trying to find one little facet left of the game they can cling to and blizzard doesn’t give much, (if anything) for people to want to remain and play.

Maybe a NEW core map added to the game, with the request of some MONEY perhaps, such as a DLC.

You are not better than anyone because you think your feedback on why you uninstalled isnt valuable.

If people come here saying they uninstalled most the time its because they enjoy the game but dont think its in a good state, otherwise they wouldnt waste their time (yes, there are some trolls as well, but they are everywhere anyway).


Almost nothing from Overwatch 2 can be brought to the main game. They mentioned in a interview that heroes and maps build on the upgraded engine dont work on this one.

The state if the game could hardly be worse, but its either a OW2 launch or nothing at this point

That’s not what im talking about. I’m talking about the threads of people just saying “I quit game is trash” or “x is better than overwatch” with literally no other feedback nor information. Saying you quit the game, and leaving constructive information on why you left and whats wrong with the game that made you leave in the first place is fine. T

That comment was a response to this, about how people just post threads saying “x is better than overwatch”

Like this, because it outlines a genuine problem with the game (at the time)

Funny enough, Team Fortress 2 has continued to survive for a truly amazing long time, without recieving any real amazing content updates. The gameplay loop is simply fun and enjoyable.
Something Overwatch lacks.

Oh, it COULD be much worse, make no mistake about that. It is not in an acceptable state now, but we are far from rock bottom. Somehow.

Valve was good at that :relieved:

Cant say its doing any better than OW though. TF2 is averaging 70k players. Its good for a outdated game, but just like you said, its surviving.