🏓 Why are people posting about Hong Kong? [Explanation]

The worse part is some people have been attacking the devs on this. That’s as low as Blizzard went.

Blizzard is the victim here, the HK guy stood up for what he believed (totally understandable as long as you accept the consecuences) by throwing the company under the bus, throwing them to the middle of a very sensitive and complicated matter which they didnt have anything to do and were (understandably so) not willing to participate. They did the only sensible thing, punished the transgresor for using them and all that it costs them doing something like that (even if the cause is noble and i support HK) to try and withdraw from the problem to remain out of it. Buf of course everyone comes and demand that they should risk all their finance and business from their comfy chairs.

Blizz didnt defend the chinese gob, they simply tried to remove themselves from the hole they were pushed into, and people are too blinded and outraged to see because they have nothing to lose while demanding blizz to risk it.

Im honestly amazed at the level of bias in all of this… why are this outraged forumers demanding blizzard to put anything on the line when they arent behind their computers in their comfy chairs, and honestly probably dindt care about it until it exploded nor any of the thousands of human rights abuse constantly happening around the world, especially those his/her gobernment directly or indirectly takes part.


Blizzard is not doing “it” to appease China, they’re doing it to not offend Chinese people, because their policy is that offending other people(potential customers) is not ok.

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That’s just a semantics issue. If you like I’ll rephrase it. Blizzard punished Chung in order to not offend Chinese people so that they can make profits in the Chinese market.

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So what you’re saying is that since they are fighting for it, we as a completely separate entity should stick out noses in and what? Help them fight? Go to war for them? Like in the war on terror? Cause that went awesomely . Or maybe like The Gulf War, or Vietnam, maybe Korea, though it would be most likely start World War 3 if we got involved. We really don’t have great track records in picking wars fyi, I’d rather avoid another one in my lifetime unlikely as that sounds.

If you think the only people outraged by this is those behind a computer in comfy chairs then I think you just don’t realize the variety of people who are outraged. Sure there are some just like how you describe it. But there are those who go out to protest (and not just for this HK issue, but others as well) that are outraged.

So, it’s ok to offend Chinese people?

If you’re asking me, I think it’s ok to offend anyone including Chinese people. The fact is, I will inadvertently offend someone just from the fact that I interact with people. There are too many snowflakes these days.

lol you are hilarious

lol you too!! :rofl:

I was in the same frame of mind yesterday. But after doing a lot more research and re-visiting weibo (china twitter) posts made by the official china blizzard account and hearthstone account…

I had to change my mind. Both talked about defending the pride of their country and dignity of their nation. This speaks volumes as to what their motivation was for punishing him and the casters. I denied it at first but I had to come to terms with the idea that perhaps the punishment itself was warranted but NOT the motivation for the punishment.

Yes, He broke the contract for participating. Were they in their rights to punish him? Yes. However, the motivation for the punishment was and is not acceptable. That being the condoning and defending of china’s actions against the citizens of hong kong.

Blizzard China has made it clear WHY he was punished and why it was so harsh.

Blizzard America has said nothing. Which is a shame.

That is why I canceled my pre-order for MW and my subscription to WoW (rip classic). I morally had no choice but to do so.


I suspect, and Mordecai can correct me if I’m wrong, that it would have been better if Blizzard had done less. Less severe punishment and/or not fired the interviewers.


“Selfishly strip it from the millions in china” newsflash boy, that would be China’s fault. Way to take away agency from the all powerful one party state.
You can cry all you want but people are allowed to make moral choices about who they financially support. Hong Kong’s citizens are the victims in the whole scenario.

So, it’s also ok to offend LGBT people?

That is true. Blizzard should have shown restraint and issued a minor penalty or warning. But because it’s China that stood to get offended, they caved and immediately opted to use the nukes.

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i feel ashamed there are so many anti free speech pro fascist bootlickers making excuses for imperialists and their lapdogs.


Again, yes. I do think LGBT people are… people. I respect people as people, but that does not mean I need to agree with their ideas or even know all of their ideas. It’s impossible to find out about everyone’s ideas. I will probably offend them somehow and they will also offend me somehow. And that’s ok!


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It wasn’t foreign politics for the player, the punishment was too harsh, and Blizzard posted pro-China statements. If you’re disgusted because others treat cozying up to human rights abusers as seriously immoral, then I’m glad most people don’t share your outlook.


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