šŸŒ My version of experimental (aggressive)

Note: Only reason Iā€™m adding Baptiste is because he really shouldā€™ve gotten addressed. Otherwise Iā€™m only including the heroes in the actual patch.


Biotic Rifle

  • Magazine size decreased from 14 to 10

Biotic Grenade

  • Healing amplification increased from 50% to 75%
  • Healing reduction decreased from 100% to 75%
  • Health packs now ignore healing reduction and cleanse it


Biotic Launcher (Primary Fire)

  • Recovery time decreased from 0.45 seconds to 0.42 seconds

Biotic Launcher (Secondary Fire)

  • Projectile size decreased by 10%
  • Direct healing increased from 50 to 60

Regenerative Burst

  • Healing per second increased from 30 to 40

Immortality Field

  • Cooldown decreased from 25 seconds to 22 seconds
  • Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds



  • Casting time into sentry form decreased from 1 second to 0.7 seconds

Configuration: Sentry

  • Spread decreased 10%
  • Shots until max spread reduction lowered from 60 to 40


  • Resource drain rate increased 15%
  • Healing per second increased from 75 to 90

Configuration: Tank

  • Armor health increased from 100 to 200 until end of duration


Frag Launcher

  • Projectiles maintains slightly more velocity on ricochet
  • Projectile size increased from 0.2 to 0.26 on the air (decreases to 0.2 upon impact on the ground)

Concussion Mine

  • Projectile speed increased from 20 to 25
  • Ricochet distance off of enemy players greatly reduced

Total Mayhem

  • Bomb detonation time reduced from 1 sec to 0.7
  • Bombs spread increased 50%


Caduceus Staff

  • Healing per second increased from 50 to 55


  • Duration decreased from 15 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Main healing beam healing per second increased from 60 to 90
  • Chain beam healing per second decreased from 60 to 40
  • Main damage boost beam increased from 30% to 40%
  • Chain damage boost beam decreased from 30% to 20%
  • Resurrect cast time decreased from 1.75 seconds to 1 second


Biotic Grasp

  • There are now two layers of beams in Biotic Grasp
    • One center beam with a 0.2 width and a beam with a same width as the old Biotic Grasp
  • Center beam deals 80 damage per second
  • Off-center beam deals 50 damage per second and decays at about 10 damage per second and stops at 5 damage per second
    • Hitting an enemy with the center beam restores off-center beam damage at about 20 damage per second
    • Passively restores off-center beam damage at 5 damage per second after 1 second of not in use
  • Center beam regenerates biotic energy 12% faster
  • Off-center beam regenerates biotic energy 16% slower
  • Beam maximum range decreased from 20 meters to 16 meters

Biotic Orb

  • Immediately disappears when Moira dies


Orb of Destruction (Secondary Fire)

  • Charge rate increased from 0.5 seconds per orb to 0.3 seconds per orb
  • Fire rate increased from 0.1 seconds per orb to 0.08 seconds per orb

Orb of Harmony

  • Can bypass enemy barriers
  • Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds if out of line-of-sight

Orb of Discord

  • Damage amplification increased from 25% to 30%
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I love these!

I do like that medpacks can cleanse it but I also believe that they still shouldnā€™t heal the target at all.

Does this mean a target hit by anti will have the effect negated by the amplification?

Or, for example, would a healing instance of 100 only have the target receive 43.75 healing with the amplification and anti-effect existing simultaneously?

I personally would have discluded these entirely from the experimental and buffed recon

My only concern with this is Moiraā€™s 20 meter range. Even with a smaller beam width, from 20 meters away 90 dps is a lot. I donā€™t necessarily think we shouldnā€™t try it since aiming that beam from that distance is a feat of itā€™s own but itā€™s definitely going to have aim elitists triggered that she can deal decent dmg now.

If only the devs were really willing to try anything like this, but it seems that the experimental is more to try out changes that they already planned to bring to live servers anyway.

While youā€™re necroing everything can u also say something here Silverpelt's AntiBarrier Patch

Ok so I actually didnā€™t see that one yet. It looked nice ^^

Anaā€™s debuff will always be last, so an amplified Bap grenade will heal 25 hp

Those junkrat changes happened almost exactly lol. Except the projectile size buff everything else went exactly as you predicted!

Oh this was after experimental was revealed and my version was to basically patch out Anaā€™s healing nerf and some Moira changes in favor of something thatā€™s actually affect them lol.

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discord is already at 30%

Was made at the time of experimental

I love all of these changes and especially Mercys and Anaā€™s but I think making Anaā€™s mag size to 10 would be too much. I would keep it at 14 and do what you said about her nade

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