𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓴 Mercy (you can get it)

nice way of avoiding every single one of my points. I see you have nothing important to say.

12.7 million dollars went to BCRF regardless if people cared about it or not.

Do you have a real reason why it shouldn’t come back? If BCRF doesn’t want to then that’s fine

I am baffled how many people aren’t content with being completely toxic and cancerous in the game now and spread their hatred into the forums with topics like this, which are created for the sole purpose of trolling, spreading toxicity and causing unnecessary drama.

You want Pink Mercy? Okay, make a thread, maybe they bring it back, I’d be for it.
You have Pink Mercy? Okay, you’re in the same boat as me, awesome.
You don’t want/have Pink Mercy and just want to stir more toxicity? Okay, be quiet and please just leave.

thats not what Blizzard has said, actually

Absolutely. I think it’s shameful how they hide their desire for a cosmetic behind caring about BCRF/breast cancer. Their guilt tripping isn’t going to work on a company like Blizzard. It’s all they have as a reason to beg for it to return and as mentioned, if it wasn’t originally linked to a charity they’d no legit reason to keep posting about it.


It’s just as meaningless as saying “You don’t care about the cause you just want the skin to be back!”

I mean, it still raised almost 13 million regardless if people cared or not so…

You’re not wrong, but there’s also a lot of pink mercy owners who get on their high horse pretending that they bought it for a good cause while viewing everyone else who wants it to come back as evil

I think “Actually” Thats exactly what they said.



I’m baffled at how many people think they know better and start naming and claiming before they even care to read. This post was flagged already. Falsely so. The moderation team rejected the flags and reinstated it. It is officially conforming to the ToS and the Rules of Conduct. Get over it.


I didn’t avoid your “points”; you only had one in summary: “Pink Mercy should come back for another charity run because some people care about both the skin and charity.”

That’s the same message every pink mercy requester uses.

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The really interesting thing about this is that there are people who will reply to this saying “you can just donate” and yet those same individuals have to know that the charity itself worked with Blizzard to get this incentive to donate created in the first place

the charity itself accepts that some people want/need to be incentivized and yet some forum members dont accept it

Many of us do. :slight_smile:

there may be some folks who feel this way

however, while it is implied in this statement that everyone feels this way, this simply isnt the case

all of us would be silent?

not at all

I would be talking about making this skin available again regardless

and I am far from alone

I and others have actually been quite vocal about wanting more/other charity offers to be made

I dont know of anyone who has done that

I have yet to see this happen in any Pink Mercy thread

What I have seen is individuals who want the skin to return being accused of not caring about the cause and having to defend themselves from such claims. In such cases, it is perfectly legitimate to tell such an accuser about folks one has lost and.or watched suffer as a result of BC> it doesnt become an excuse at all, and the only part that can reasonably be called disgusting in such scenarios is the accuser who is making a baseless attack on others

These are baseless accusations against people that are almost certainly folks you do not know at all, much less well enough to make such an accusation

sadly, a lot of the attackers want to have us believe that the two are mutually exclusive, when in fact they are not


Not acknowledging the facts / interpreting them to fit the agenda is just the usual mental gymnastics the members of the cult do to keep their hope alive so that threads complaining about the thing they want can live another day.

No no. You dont decide what is important and what isnt.

A reason on top of discouraging people who have been proven to donate from ever donating again, due to being intentionally misled? I dont think there needs to be another reason.

Agreed. And they always claim sayinf they dont care is baseless, even though saying that they do care is just as baseless.


loving it


The mods sharing the same toxic zoomer “humor” isn’t proving anything, after all they work for the same company that caused the whole drama and has a history of terrible treatment of their customers and ruining their own franchises.

It IS trolling as per the definition of it, the fact some mod unflagged this just shows how dire the situation on these forums is when mods obviously participate in the trolling and pour oil to the fire by backing up folks like you.

I’m actually genuinely surprised nobody made a thread about HS’s mercy skin before. This thread is comedy gold so far.


Nah dodo. You know very well we accept that. We are not against a new donation skin coming out. You were intentionally disingenuous here.


I mean, why would anyone oppose wanting to create an incentive for a BCRF regardless if people care or not?

And you have the same “counter argument” that every pink mercy gatekeeper has.

Great response 10/10

But why? Is the skin going to disappear from current owners accounts?

i actually out loud laughed thinking about this scenario


Yeah, like why are they so adamant? xD

I guess they don’t want their unique skin to be available again. Can’t think of any other reason tbh.

Because many of us wouldnt have payed for the skin if we knew we could get the skin whenever we wanted.

You: has nothing to contribute
Also you: attempts to respond anyway

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And … how did they do that exactly? By making an event that enabled $12Mil+ donations none of which went to “their company”? Oh… sorry… of course they did a serious miscalculation - they didn’t foresee the entitlement of those who think just because they “want something” it “causes the drama”. Sure, sure.