〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

And, by the way, the indestructible turret bugs aren’t fixed in every location yet. So that’s still an issue.

And the Teleporter slides down slanted surfaces again.

Overbuff, for the past seven days - seems like people are experimenting with her in a less-than-helpful way, probably a result of end-of-season throws, as I previously mentioned.


To be honest, I think that after all her bugs are fixed, she only really needs a few things:

  • Teleporter casts twice as quickly. This means you can use it as a great escape to literally anything, for you and your team (assuming you’re grouped up).
  • Teleporter icon darkened similar to Mei wall, and ability to cancel the teleporter akin to Mei wall in case of accidental placing. (This is really just because I find it satisfying to be able to cancel abilities, but I honestly think that it could be a useful thing. Not like it would even reduce the cooldown at all.)
  • Ultimate cost down to 1200, from 1500, as to have more frequent barriers and therefore more direct utility in the teamfight.

And maybe something for the god-awful primary fire, but tbh, it probably wouldn’t matter if she got the aforementioned changes.


balance doesn’t care if its useable at low levels, balance should always be around the top levels, otherwise a hero okay at low levels becomes oppressive at high levels.

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Thx Blizz :upside_down_face:

Please bring back the old teleporter. Planning out game changing ults made playing Symmetra fun.

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Well, to be honest, her current ult can be game-changing. But it doesn’t deploy fast enough for that to even be an option, really. If it had no activation frames like Mercy’s old insta-rez, it would not only be significantly more useful but also significantly more game changing.

At the last second of a DVa bomb, or instantly to protect your team from a reaper ult, or to cause Pharah to kill herself…

Basically all the old usages of Photon Barrier, before it was made into an Ult.

Her current ult is kinda a joke, and completely ignored by the enemy team. It’s ridiculous they remove her from the support category yet get her another support ult significantly weaker than her old ult’s. It’s largely many times even less effective than her old photon barrier given it’s immobile and takes long to cast. Which is quite pathetic. The old photon barrier you could use to push too even and I personally think that ability could have been fine tuned better. The whole 3.0 rework is largely a fail aside from the idea of making her more fluid in battle which doesn’t help when all the changes are a downgrade aside from the new turrets which should have been added all the way back in 2.0.


damn and i’ve been playing her more? XD I didn’t realize i was such a minority

Open beta doesn’t count. At launch she only gave 25 shields and she was bottom tier.

No actually, all heroes should be at least usable below pro level, otherwise u would have no game to play pro for.

And considering the vast majority of heroes are like this, and have been for all their lives, I dont think thats too much to ask.

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I’m sure that she’ll receive some adjustment when the Torbjorn rework comes out in a few weeks. Whether it’s small fine-tuning or buffs disguised as bug fixes (or ACTUAL bug fixes), it’s welcome and will probably help her state.

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That would be too late. As a Sym/Torb main, I told my friends if Torb2 was as different from the Torb I love as Sym3 was, I’ll be leaving the game for good.

I mean, Torb is a lot stronger than people give him credit because everyone use him as a turret babysitter, or trying to make meme hammer kills. The only two fixes Torb need are a reduction in head size and removing the scrap mechanic and making the armor packs a cooldown ability that stack to 4 uses, so he can armor his team from the start.

Maybe, converting half the turret health to armor, but that is cherry on top of the other two options. Torb don’t need a full revamp.


Pretty sure Blizz is slowly phasing out the bonus health mechanic, and i wouldnt be surprised if after the rework Brig is the only one who can do that.


they are usable, you just lack the coordination to use them.

This. Literally cannot say it better. She takes a DPS slot but is the worst DPS in the game. Her current kit is a mess that doesn’t accomplish anything. She has no survivability, no mobility, is 200 HP and requires ridiculous aiming that frankly I would apply to other heroes that are much more effective.


I like everything about Sym except her primary fire. It honestly is awful. Heck, I don’t even have it binded to anything. :joy:. They should consider giving her a soft-lock or something.

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Well we already know a few things about the Torbjorn rework, and so far it looks pretty promising:

  • Throwable turret with a range of about 5m
  • Self-building turret; but it doesn’t self-heal
  • Probably has armor and health
  • Tweaks to ammo and reload speed I think were also mentioned

But for the one part that really ruins Torbjorn’s identity

  • Molten Core is probably getting axed, being replaced with we-don’t-know-what. To be more specific, in an interview with some irrelevant Brazilian magazine, they said they were trying it as an ability on a cooldown like Mercy’s rez but they didn’t know if it fit at all into the new character.

I think that’s a no-brainer. If you’re going to be a DPS main, play a consistent DPS that has a synergistic kit.


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I don’t think she’s the worst DPS, at least in terms of securing kills. That falls to Sombra, who virtually can’t kill through any amount of healing and only has sustained damage as her damage. Symmetra is at least more lethal than Sombra, which isn’t saying much.

Sombra gets a lot of useful non-damage related abilities though.

Symmetra gets a bad, slow, clunky, imprecise group wraith form and an ult that only does something 20% of the time.


To me it just doesn’t matter if they buff her or not because she would still feel horrible to play. The teleport is clunky and awkward to use, the main fire feels like a discount Zarya and spamming alt-fire at chokes isn’t exactly my version of fun.

Everything is wrong with the new Symmetra. Not only is she not good but every part of her kit stinks. Badly.