〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

The winrate is lower because Symmetra mains still cry on these forums about the primary fire instead of trying to improve of how to aim.

As someone who has enough hours on Symmetra, I think she is more fun, more dynamic.

Also, the current meta is not for her. Same as half the roster, McRee is by far the worst hero in this meta, but I don’t see threads of McRee mains with tears in their eyes.

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Why would they be? They just got a huge buff on the PTR.


Nobody cares about a broken primary fire which even at 100% accuracy will be doing less than spamming right click and turrets, which is still a pathetic amount of damage statistically.

But hey, symm player aim is the only problem and we’re all just noobs and scrubs with horrible aim, not the actual hero having unusable primary weapon among other problematic things like half her damage potential in turrets being destroyed by a breeze and going on 30 second cooldown.

I mean the company is totally perfect, they can’t do no wrong. Symm players are just baddies whining at nothing as per usual. =)


You’re replying seriously to someone who has “salt” for a name. He’s baiting you :smiley:

Boring is subjective. Why should we listen to your opinion that shes boring when others fibd her fun.

Also, if sym was OP, you would play her. Everyone would. Ppl play to win. wht do u think Hanzo went from trash to god tier instantly

As long as pickrate is up its a win in their minds.

Same will be said with Sombra when she if dumped out onto us.

But its not up anymore. Its reverted to exactly what it was before the rework …

Not related to symmetra…

Is overbuff affected by private profiles?

Pls read the bottom half of the first post.

I did…I’m asking if that’s actually the case (first person I see mention and got me thinking)

In short no.

Whilst private profiles have reduced the sample size, 16%* of all players in comp have public profiles. And 16% of 40 million (the number of OW players) is a gargantuan sample size, certainly big enough to make assessments about the meta.

*Source: http://www.omnicmeta.com/2018/07/first-look-at-private-profiles-and.html

It does inhibit websites from gathering the info… That’s what I was actually asking…I didn’t word it properly…

But I get what you’re saying as well…just curious…sorry to derail your thread

You totally missed my point. Im just saying it also infects the pickrate. Shes so odd and unique that she isnt favored by most players.

Power affects pickrate, not hero concept. If Sym was buffed, she would be viable, and her pickrate would rise.

if you guys keep complaining about private profiles affecting stats. Do you realize that in real life, the stats given to us are only an extreme minor portion of the overall population?

if yah can easily accept these statistical evidence, then the site stats are just as good. Stop being hypocritical and complaining because of people’s decisions of keeping their profiles private in order to not be bullied by idiots who play this game.

These stats of sym are 100 percent accurate enough to show that overall the new sym is inferior to the old sym. Reason being, like i have stated countless of times. THIS REWORK IS INCOMPLETE. The CONS OVERSHADOW the PROS that came within this rework. Blitz have azzed the rework and now this isthe result.

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Symmm also recive a buff in the ptr. Just to be fair…

Symm is ok now, they could increase the range, the initial damage, the tick rate… They decided to give her more range. Ok.

She has a bad pickrate. Yes, as most of the heroes, because this game is about metas and this one is very oppresive. She is not meta and probably never be as most of the heros. She also lost an auto-aim weapon, what was the rason for pick her for a lot of people.

Even tho Im seeing symms in lot of games in QP. Pickrate in QP is very different from her. In QP meta doesnt kare so people just pick if a hero is fun, and it looks like much more people consider her fun and usefull for QP. In QP she has a better pickrate than tracer.

i dunno, i think you just dont want to admit shes very subpar still.
nothing changed lol.

though avoiding the people who rant about the turrets works real good, you get better teammates that are more coordinated and know basic stuff

The point of the rework was to make Sym better, not worse. Have you seem her pick winrates? Shes literally worse than pre rework.


Winrates as I said before are one of the highest of the entire game. So that’s not a point.

Pickrates are a matter of Metas. This is no meta for symm. So pickrates will be bads unless you have an op hero or a sniper hero, because that’s what is played in this meta. She is no mobility, no sniper, not op, so yeahh…pickrates will not be good for her.

No way have 6.4 million pepole made their profiles public. 40 million players comes from copies sold. Overbuff only tracks profiles that have been searched on their specific website which is why it shouldn’t be used as a good statistical argument.